While Fuddle Duddle was the father of our current prime minister, he was also the father of our debt, and a Canadian originator of no money down, buy now, let your children's children, pay later big government spending sprees.
No, he was a Zombie during the war, his politics were to the left in the CCF, and he liked big spending and even bigger government.You still blaming the national debt on Expo 67 and the Centennial spending spreeor his helicopter skiing on Mount Tremblant.
He was instrumental in keeping Canada together at a time when Fort Drum was preparing to rally the troops! Right man for the job at the time then and Justin is the right man for the job at the time now imho, but hey that's politics, you support one outlook or another.
Not old enough to know what it meant?Zombie, during the war
is this like a Gwar thing
I'm old enough to know the informal meaning of the word, but 90% of the readers on this site will think you are talking about the walking dead. Either way it's a derogatory term, just more silly useless name calling.Not old enough to know what it meant?
I'm old enough to know the informal meaning of the word
He didn't90% of the readers are old enough to know the meaning when you reference GWAR
feeling clever now?
Trudeau joins anti-racism rally in Ottawa, takes a knee in solidarity with George Floyd protests
The demonstration is one of multiple events in Canada, following days of demonstrations against racism and police brutality in numerous U.S. citiesnationalpost.com
Seems like social distancing is out the window, why did he just suspend parliament again?
Trudeau defends suspending regular House sittings, downplays chance of snap election
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is defending the decision to suspend all regular sittings of the House of Commons until September, with the special all-party COVID-19 committee acting as a stand-in over the next few weeks, and then four special House sittings over the summer.www.ctvnews.ca
as you say, it's not like he answers them anyways, so what's the difference?don't want to face the hard questions that never gets answered,
i...uhh..we...ah..for canadians...ahh..will not take lessons from the harper conservatives..uhh..
Cue James Corden.great photo-op for trudy down on one knee, i'm sure he's been on his knees plenty of times
Takes a knee with the protestors, meanwhile RCMP is under his purview and they are pretty damned discriminatory and have been for a long time. No photo op when you are trying to fix something though so not worth the effort.great photo-op for trudy down on one knee, i'm sure he's been on his knees plenty of times
beat you to it.The national embarrassment strikes again.
Trudeau joins anti-racism rally in Ottawa, takes a knee in solidarity with George Floyd protests
The demonstration is one of multiple events in Canada, following days of demonstrations against racism and police brutality in numerous U.S. citiesnationalpost.com