Justin Time

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Cant see it inline but copy and paste works. They are both complete idiots. Not sure why the guy loading the gun didnt know any better as his whole job is handing drunk idiots loaded guns.
It's a demonstration of Any gun can be dangerous if the person that picks it up has no clue.
It's a demonstration of Any gun can be dangerous if the person that picks it up has no clue.
How does that apply to the current situation? The vast majority of the people having guns confiscated have multiple safety training courses and many many hours at the range having safe procedures drilled in to them.

Your video is a good example of why we have PAL so parents dont give Johnny grandpa's 22 and tell him to be safe and not shoot anybody's eye out.
The point of my post and root of the problem is, the average Canadian currently has insufficient knowledge or experience to even develop a reasonable opinion on gun control anything.
Throw a loaded hand gun into a cage full of monkeys and somebody is going to get shot!
Applies to elsewhere as well. Lots of kids sneaking in get shot by their parents in more gun friendly locals. Waking up to strange noises and trying to get your brain to properly assess targets in bad light is not something many train for and they therefore suck at it.

If you are using a rifle (or javelin missile) for self defense in your house and dont live in the middle of nowhere, you are f'd in the brain. You need something with much less penetrating power as you have no useful backstop. You are using a crap argument.

Again, I do not think JT should have done this and in no way agree with how it was done. I just dont like people putting forward bs arguments to support their position. There are many good arguments, why would you choose to use a bad one?

My concern with guns for protection vs hunting is that it IMO indicates paranoia with the potential of over reaction.

I was working at the front of the American embassy in Ottawa after being screened through. An American was stopped in the parking garage entry for his check out and commented to me "You Canadians are lucky. I could get picked off sitting here."

I don't trust people that hyper with a gun. Yell "BOO" and get shot.

Tips for living without a gun for protection:

Instead of feeding the gun industry use the time and money for education so you don't have to live in a slum.

Buy decent door locks.

Buy home insurance.

Don't go to risky places at stupid times.

Learn to negotiate.

My problem with knee jerk anti gun laws is the cost. IIRC the last go around was a billion or more. How many lives did it save? We don't know because of the variables but if that money was put into health care I suspect there would be more lives saved.

Unfortunately the government budget is based on the ability to keep on taking money and / or ignoring debt.

Since 2007/08, combined federal and provincial nominal net debt has grown from $837.0 billion to a projected $1.5 trillion in 2019/20. In 2019/20, combined federal and provincial net debt is expected to equal 64.3% of the Canadian economy or $39,483 for every Canadian. Let's say 2 trillion with Covid measures thrown in, $50,000 for every man, woman and child.

My concern with guns for protection vs hunting is that it IMO indicates paranoia with the potential of over reaction.

I was working at the front of the American embassy in Ottawa after being screened through. An American was stopped in the parking garage entry for his check out and commented to me "You Canadians are lucky. I could get picked off sitting here."

I don't trust people that hyper with a gun. Yell "BOO" and get shot.

Tips for living without a gun for protection:

Instead of feeding the gun industry use the time and money for education so you don't have to live in a slum.

Buy decent door locks.

Buy home insurance.

Don't go to risky places at stupid times.

Learn to negotiate.

My problem with knee jerk anti gun laws is the cost. IIRC the last go around was a billion or more. How many lives did it save? We don't know because of the variables but if that money was put into health care I suspect there would be more lives saved.

Unfortunately the government budget is based on the ability to keep on taking money and / or ignoring debt.

Since 2007/08, combined federal and provincial nominal net debt has grown from $837.0 billion to a projected $1.5 trillion in 2019/20. In 2019/20, combined federal and provincial net debt is expected to equal 64.3% of the Canadian economy or $39,483 for every Canadian. Let's say 2 trillion with Covid measures thrown in, $50,000 for every man, woman and child.

On the home defense front, I would be inclined to think that a panic button that turns on every light and multiple sirens will be much more effective. How many home invasions actually have an intent to harm vs just want some money? By waking up the whole neighbourhood, most criminals will run for their lives as they know causing harm will just get them in more trouble and no more money. By shooting at them, assuming you don't drop them in the first shot (highly likely for many reasons), if they are armed, that probably triggers return fire. The safest thing for you and your family is criminals running away, not a gun battle in your house.
I did read the be all, end all poll everyone LOVES referring to in which 80% of Canadians support a gun ban blah, blah blah.

What none of the SJW's will mention though is that poll was conducted on a sample of less than 1600 people (.004%).

Hardly a respectable representation of the public at large.

Of those people, 86% do not own a firearm, and 49% stated they know little to nothing of the current gun laws regarding owning and storage.

I live in the big city. I don't need a gun.

If I lived on an old style farm and hunted I could realistically own a shotgun for ducks and crows, a deer rifle and a 22 for gophers / coyotes. The 22 would be useless against foxes raiding the chicken coop if it was locked up. A handgun would be useless.

Would a rapid fire be of any benefit to a farmer in Texas with a feral hog problem?

How much lead do you want in the ground when your crops are growing in it?
I live in the big city. I don't need a gun.

If I lived on an old style farm and hunted I could realistically own a shotgun for ducks and crows, a deer rifle and a 22 for gophers / coyotes. The 22 would be useless against foxes raiding the chicken coop if it was locked up. A handgun would be useless.

Would a rapid fire be of any benefit to a farmer in Texas with a feral hog problem?

How much lead do you want in the ground when your crops are growing in it?
The bar for "locked up" is quite low. It is easy to have a non-restricted firearm go from legally secure to firing in seconds.
On the home defense front, I would be inclined to think that a panic button that turns on every light and multiple sirens will be much more effective. How many home invasions actually have an intent to harm vs just want some money? By waking up the whole neighbourhood, most criminals will run for their lives as they know causing harm will just get them in more trouble and no more money. By shooting at them, assuming you don't drop them in the first shot (highly likely for many reasons), if they are armed, that probably triggers return fire. The safest thing for you and your family is criminals running away, not a gun battle in your house.

Ten sheets of drywall penetrated with a pistol. FWIW.

Skip drywall, put in steel plate. Watch for ricochets.
I live in the big city. I don't need a gun.

If I lived on an old style farm and hunted I could realistically own a shotgun for ducks and crows, a deer rifle and a 22 for gophers / coyotes. The 22 would be useless against foxes raiding the chicken coop if it was locked up. A handgun would be useless.


I grew up on a farm. Please stay in the city and please dont anybody shoot a cotote with a .22,
I like how you skirted the real issue. Random. It was a paid for poll. If it hadn't fit the narrative of those who foot the bill, it would never have seen the light of day, and you never would have read about it. So, not random, by any stretch of the word.
Either show evidence it wasn't random or GTFO....you have no idea what you are talking about.....ALL polls are paid for by someone....the QUESTION can be rigged....but not the randomness. IF you cannot figure that out argue about how a blade is as usefull as a gun at killing people.
Its all political, there is no real reasoning behind the ban other than to look like they did something.
1. ban the firearms least likely to be used in crime in Canada
2. punish the people least likely to commit crimes
3. spend hundreds of millions in a deficit and economic crisis to not actually target gun crime
try to find the last time one of the rifles being banned has been used in a shooting or crime, now try to find one by a licensed gun owner.

even the so-called 'assault-style' weapon they keep talking about being used in NS hasn't been named.
'assault-style' means nothing, that's like saying clear bottled drink

IMO, everyone compares guns to cars but alcohol is the better comparison, its all about public perception. alcohol kills more people in a month than guns do a year in Canada. There is no necessary use other than those with addiction issues, it wouldn't be impossible to ban it. It is already illegal to drink and drive, people still do it. But punishing other law-abiding citizens would never make sense.

The general public knows nothing about guns and every story that comes out from the US makes us all look bad. The news outlets in Canada jump on the same buzzwords and don't publish enough about the other side.
Either show evidence it wasn't random or GTFO....you have no idea what you are talking about.....ALL polls are paid for by someone....the QUESTION can be rigged....but not the randomness. IF you cannot figure that out argue about how a blade is as usefull as a gun at killing people.
Show me a single poll that doesn't have huge selection bias conducted in the past 10 years. The vast majority that I have seen are telephone polls. Who here has a telephone number listed in a public directory? How were the 1600 selected distributed throughout the country? I have no idea how that affects the results, but I am 100% sure that no poll conducted in the recent past is worth the paper it is written on. It is a marketing piece and has no more validity than a straight ad.
I define assault weapons as the ones they just banned....is that clear enough?

The other things kill is not valid as cars are not designed to kill. ..... and it is harder to get a car than a gun:

According to this website it is "fun and easy":

In the future...feel free to research! The internet is a wonderful place!

Yes it may be fun and easy to that website. but the NS shooter took the time to turn more than one car into an RCMP replica, get a uniform but did not get his guns legally. That is all you need to know about our system, that someone that was that determined was turned away from doing it legally.
Either because illegal guns are too easy to get or because our system works.
A paid for poll of 1,600 people hand picked by the pollsters is 0.00036% of the population, not 80%. Go do a poll north of Parry Sound, or Battleford, SK and see what results you get.

You understand the definition of "random", right? Of course rural areas are going to lean differently, but I think you'd be surprised at the percentage of rural residents who may be more inclined to be ok with guns in general, but still support the assault weapons ban.

On the home defense front, I would be inclined to think that a panic button that turns on every light and multiple sirens will be much more effective. How many home invasions actually have an intent to harm vs just want some money? By waking up the whole neighbourhood, most criminals will run for their lives as they know causing harm will just get them in more trouble and no more money. By shooting at them, assuming you don't drop them in the first shot (highly likely for many reasons), if they are armed, that probably triggers return fire. The safest thing for you and your family is criminals running away, not a gun battle in your house.

My security system auto arms into "Home" mode at a certain time every night and auto disarms in the AM at another certain time. During that time window if any external door or window is opened or the motion sensor in my garage is triggered the system goes into panic mode immediately and it makes a LOT of noise. It also triggers all my home automation equipment to get in on the party by turning on every single light both inside and outside the house and sending a text message to a neighbour.

Some might call it paranoid, particularly since we live in a good neighbourhood, but the home automation stuff existed already (I certainly didn't install it all solely for this purpose) and the alarm system was something I installed a few years ago after a rash of break-ins while residents were away for weekends, so all the tools were there...it was silly not to use them.

The problem with the "I need a gun for home protection" in urban areas is that it becomes the slippery slope thing....first, I want a gun for home protection, then my neighbour does because he heard I got one and he thinks it's cool, and then the guy across the street who doesn't like me feels he needs one to maybe protect himself from me, and then the guy 4 houses over who doesn't like HIM does the same, and then everyone else on the street feels insecure because half the rest of the street is now armed so they better be as well "just in case", and next thing you know....we're the USA.
Either show evidence it wasn't random or GTFO....you have no idea what you are talking about.....ALL polls are paid for by someone....the QUESTION can be rigged....but not the randomness. IF you cannot figure that out argue about how a blade is as usefull as a gun at killing people.

What part of "The "poll" you're talking about was done by the formerly Toronto Star owned Angus Reid Institute. They're basically a Liberal support organization that always polls to plug Party policy." don't you understand?
What part of "The "poll" you're talking about was done by the formerly Toronto Star owned Angus Reid Institute. They're basically a Liberal support organization that always polls to plug Party policy." don't you understand?
Even if it was an attempt at random, what's to stop them from running the poll multiple times until they get the results they want? The contrary polls never get finalized or published and you have the results you want.
The problem with the "I need a gun for home protection" in urban areas is that it becomes the slippery slope thing....first, I want a gun for home protection, then my neighbour does because he heard I got one and he thinks it's cool, and then the guy across the street who doesn't like me feels he needs one to maybe protect himself from me, and then the guy 4 houses over who doesn't like HIM does the same, and then everyone else on the street feels insecure because half the rest of the street is now armed so they better be as well "just in case", and next thing you know....we're the USA.
I don't necessarily agree a firearm is needed for home protection or the right way to solve that concern if you have it.

However I couldn't disagree more. Having an entire block/town/province, legally licensed/trained with a firearm for whatever the reason does not put us on the same stage as the USA. What separates us is 2 fundamental things, their constitutional right to more or less walk around with it wherever they please and our culture. I would agree that over time perhaps the latter would move in a direction more similar to our southern neighbours if we were all packing but certainly not the same.

Their culture stems largely from their history which we do NOT share with them.
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