Applies to elsewhere as well. Lots of kids sneaking in get shot by their parents in more gun friendly locals. Waking up to strange noises and trying to get your brain to properly assess targets in bad light is not something many train for and they therefore suck at it.
If you are using a rifle (or javelin missile) for self defense in your house and dont live in the middle of nowhere, you are f'd in the brain. You need something with much less penetrating power as you have no useful backstop. You are using a crap argument.
Again, I do not think JT should have done this and in no way agree with how it was done. I just dont like people putting forward bs arguments to support their position. There are many good arguments, why would you choose to use a bad one?
My concern with guns for protection vs hunting is that it IMO indicates paranoia with the potential of over reaction.
I was working at the front of the American embassy in Ottawa after being screened through. An American was stopped in the parking garage entry for his check out and commented to me "You Canadians are lucky. I could get picked off sitting here."
I don't trust people that hyper with a gun. Yell "BOO" and get shot.
Tips for living without a gun for protection:
Instead of feeding the gun industry use the time and money for education so you don't have to live in a slum.
Buy decent door locks.
Buy home insurance.
Don't go to risky places at stupid times.
Learn to negotiate.
My problem with knee jerk anti gun laws is the cost. IIRC the last go around was a billion or more. How many lives did it save? We don't know because of the variables but if that money was put into health care I suspect there would be more lives saved.
Unfortunately the government budget is based on the ability to keep on taking money and / or ignoring debt.
Since 2007/08, combined federal and provincial nominal net debt has grown from $837.0 billion to a projected $1.5 trillion in 2019/20. In 2019/20, combined federal and provincial net debt is expected to equal 64.3% of the Canadian economy or $39,483 for every Canadian. Let's say 2 trillion with Covid measures thrown in, $50,000 for every man, woman and child.