Justin Bieber's custom MV Augusta F3

If the kid actually rides rather than just pose, its only a matter of time before he kills himself...
The storm trooper suits were pretty bad *** as well. You know how much those suits go for? I was curious but never asked. The bike show was hectic..

I forgot what the guy told me, I was too distracted by the awesomeness of the suit.
There seems to be some jealous people.
Perhaps it is the lighting but that bike does nothing for me.
It makes it look cheap and unfinished. There are many nice design elements there but now they just blend in.
Not everything looks good in matte black.
Good for him, anybody with that level of freakishly scary ridiculous amazing ****ing talent needs something to unwind with.

Rugged good looks, lyrics like "Baby, baby, baby ooh" - kid's unstoppable.
Should have done this to a GSXR, not an MV. It's pretty much on-par with his "SWAG24/7 848"

Such a waste of a beautiful bike.

First thought that came to mind as well; second one was when/if he wrecks, hope the bike and ONLY the bike survives.

Why yes, I am a bad person, so no need to ask.
Wow look at all the h8ters in this thread .... H8ters gonna H8...

(I also dislike the guy but i hope he enjoys the bike safely and responsibly... whos up for a pool on when the first news story comes out about unsafe speed or stunting )
This is just part of the show.
His PR team is transforming him into the grown up bad boy and the fastest way is to give him a tattoo real or fake and put him on a bike.
It's all stagecraft. Do you really think his Boss's would let their money maker ride around on a bike? He still have value to them.
It's just part of the show. If he were a serious rider he would be wearing proper gear and he would also look more natural on a bike. We would have seen the videos of him at a closed track maybe even him doing a wheelie but we don't see that because it's not real nor would they risk him getting injured.
i +1 that
there is a few celebs out there that ride
and most of them when they do films they have contracts not to ride bikes
brad pitt is one of them

This is just part of the show.
His PR team is transforming him into the grown up bad boy and the fastest way is to give him a tattoo real or fake and put him on a bike.
It's all stagecraft. Do you really think his Boss's would let their money maker ride around on a bike? He still have value to them.
It's just part of the show. If he were a serious rider he would be wearing proper gear and he would also look more natural on a bike. We would have seen the videos of him at a closed track maybe even him doing a wheelie but we don't see that because it's not real nor would they risk him getting injured.
This is just part of the show.
His PR team is transforming him into the grown up bad boy and the fastest way is to give him a tattoo real or fake and put him on a bike.

Most definitely! why the fack do I need to know about a millionaire kid getting this crappy custom job on a dream bike?

What a lame story.
Do you really think his Boss's would let their money maker ride around on a bike? He still have value to them.
Rothlisberger almost died riding a busa with no helmet. You're not going to tell these people that they can't ride. It doesn't make sense, no one on the planet would refuse a contract to a superstar athlete, actor, performer etc unless they promised to stop riding because if they did the next guy wouldn't
Most definitely! why the fack do I need to know about a millionaire kid getting this crappy custom job on a dream bike?

What a lame story.

I was hoping the story ended with some surly biker type gentlemen kicking his ***. Boring. :happy1:
Not that it matters to him but I wonder what his insurance is like.

Barely anything compared to people his age here in Ontario, insurance in the US is actually reasonable.

If the kid actually rides rather than just pose, its only a matter of time before he kills himself...


According to the mile wide chicken strips, it's just for posing. Although an 848 is not the most confidence inspiring bike for a beginner, probably scared s#itless to twist the throttle even half way.

Whatever though, maybe he actually likes motorcycles? Most guys do. It's probably 50% marketing stunt (giving him the "badboy" image) and 50% cause he likes motorcycles.
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