Just quit smoking. This is hard!

I started smoking when I was 15ish. I got to 2 packs by 21. Thankfully someone mentioned zybam 6 years ago on this forum. I have't had a single cigarette since. Not one puff. Sometimes I have nightmares I smoke again.

Buy bags of sunflower seeds to keep you busy.

NEVER even have just "one". If you have one you failed and you will have others down the road.

It really blows my mind that that **** is legal. Even heroin... as damaging and addictive it is, it feels amazing. I can see why it's addictive. Your first smoke always makes you sick. Why do we get hooked?
its not easy, day by day... I quit about 7 or 8 or 9 years ago, cant really remember...

when I quit I used Zyban. Worked wonders. I kept a pack of smokes in the car unopened for a few years so would not have panic moments. I helped me.

good luck
I'm on day 2 so I feel ur pain. Cold turkey. And yes I could punch/kick/kill everything in sight lol. Stay away from those e cigs, I switched to them and found myself addicted..... And as much as they say its harmless i doubt it.

Point is don't take one addiction away with another one. Stay strong, and if u wanna fight call me lol.

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I've tried e-cigs and I really don't like them. A friend of mine imports and brands them so I didn't even have to pay for mine. They taste like ass and hurt the throat more than actual cigarettes.

Saving money is good incentive. I would love a duc, but I'm not experienced enough yet. With today's prices, I can probably save for a nice watch I've been eying for a while

I'm on day 2 so I feel ur pain. Cold turkey. And yes I could punch/kick/kill everything in sight lol. Stay away from those e cigs, I switched to them and found myself addicted..... And as much as they say its harmless i doubt it.

Point is don't take one addiction away with another one. Stay strong, and if u wanna fight call me lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think we should probably avoid each other. Otherwise we could potentially end up on the news. "Two motorcyclists arrested for assaulting each other. Police say nicotine may have been a factor."
Started at 12, quit for 8 months at 31 and decided I was good to go to a bar and have a couple drinks, started smoking again.
Tried last week and made it 3 days and had a blowout with my wife and started again.

I am camping this weekend and don't want to ruin it for everyone so I plan on quiting monday morning. That way it gives me time to prepare.
Last time I quit I went 2 weeks on the 21 patch, 2 on the 14 and 1 day on the 7 and I was good to go.
I smoked a pack a day from the time I was 16 to 43 years old! Crap thats a lot of money up in smoke! Anyways I tried quiting at least 6 times. Used the patch, used the gum hell I even thought I was tough enough to do it cold turkey! Yah Right! The only thing that worked for me was Champix. I figured if I was going to spend almost $80.00 every two weeks for this medication then I better take it seriously and quit for good. I have not had a smoke since February 2014 and honestly couldnt be happier.

To the OP, if you do manage to quit this time for good please remember the two down falls of not smoking anymore. The first one is an extra 20 pounds showed up un-invited on me and my stomach is only getting bigger! Damn you late night snacking! haha! The other issue is that being an ex smoker makes you the worst kind of anti smoking person in the room! You cant stand the smell and you cant figure out how the hell you even started!

When you get to that point thats how you know you have really quit for good and have very good odds that you will never smoke again! Good luck and dont let the smokes control you!
To the OP, if you do manage to quit this time for good please remember the two down falls of not smoking anymore. The first one is an extra 20 pounds showed up un-invited on me and my stomach is only getting bigger! Damn you late night snacking! haha! The other issue is that being an ex smoker makes you the worst kind of anti smoking person in the room! You cant stand the smell and you cant figure out how the hell you even started!

So true LOL. I started smoking when I was 15 and quit shortly after I came to Canada at age 28. Back in those days there really weren't that many alternatives to cold turkey LOL.
I stayed away from alcohol and public places where there's a lot of smoking.
Now the smell of cigarettes makes me sick...which is a good thing :cool:
I quite with gum, nicorette or thrive. I like chewing thrive better but nicorette had more kick. Buy a massive box. Shoppers has it on sale all the time. I just chewed the 4mg constantly, especially when I wanted a smoke, then once I thought I was totally over smokes (like 2 months), dropped to 2mg. Disciplline. Just keep popping those gums. They have their drawback but if you munching them, you don't want to smoke too much. If you try, you'll feel sick, just like the patch. Just focus on not smoking and keep that nicotine flowing. I basically quit drinking regularly at the same time. It took me about 8 months to get away from the gum. I ran out while on vacation and couldn't find any in Beijing (I tried really hard lol). Didn't buy more when I got back and that is it. Tried to smoke just after new years and almost puked. Still love the smell of fresh tobacco burning though... no cravings.
I really appreciate the all the comments. I'm now worried that if I eventually dislike the smell of smoke, I won't be able to go to Vegas anymore.
Today will be somewhat of a test. I smoke mostly when I drive, so I've been avoiding driving. My office is 5 min from my house so that's not much of an issue. However, I have to go to my yard that's 1/2 hour from here in caledon, then to south brampton, then back to my yard, then back to the office. That would normally be about 10 cigarettes or so. We'll see what happens. If you see a Grey silverado hd or a white Tandem cab/chassis driving "angry" in these areas, I apologize. Haven't really felt a strong "craving" yet, but I've been avoiding a lot of everyday things that I need to get used to eventually.
Reading this thread makes me glad I never started smoking. In my younger days I occasionally smoked while drinking but never woke up the next morning thinking I'd like to light up. I still do enjoy the odd cigar but have never become addicted. No offense but I wonder if some people are predisposed to addictions such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and others aren't.

Best of luck to all of you that are trying to quit and congrats to those who have.

That is pretty much what happened last time. I had quit for almost 3 months and figured some single malt and a cigar with some friends wouldn't hurt. Within a week I was back to a pack a day.

Note to self: don't listen to self.

Congratulations on your decision. Funny, your story is almost exactly like mine. I went on patches for 2 weeks, and I was smoke-free for 2.5 months until 2 weekends ago when I had some drinks with friends who smoked. I had already gotten over most of the withdrawal symptoms by that time. I'm now back to regular smoking habits for 2 weeks. Yesterday would have been my 3rd month quitting anniversary which I was so looking forward to. I'm going back on the patch again next week and will avoid smokers next time.
Reading this thread makes me glad I never started smoking. In my younger days I occasionally smoked while drinking but never woke up the next morning thinking I'd like to light up. I still do enjoy the odd cigar but have never become addicted. No offense but I wonder if some people are predisposed to addictions such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and others aren't.

Best of luck to all of you that are trying to quit and congrats to those who have.

Gee, thanks for rubbing it in! lol!

I think some of us are just wired to have addictive tendencies. Whether it's something we're born with vs something we learn is a whole other conversation.
I'm now worried that if I eventually dislike the smell of smoke, I won't be able to go to Vegas anymore.

This won't be a problem.
I can't stand the smell of smoke. Never could. Even when I smoked, unless "I" had one going, it was annoying.
Since I quite butts, I've been to Vegas at least 30 times. The casinos have done excellent work at improving ventilation over the years, for the most part.
Poker rooms are all 'non smoking', so that works perfect for me.
Non - smoking accomodations are plentiful throughout town.
Congratulations on your decision. Funny, your story is almost exactly like mine. I went on patches for 2 weeks, and I was smoke-free for 2.5 months until 2 weekends ago when I had some drinks with friends who smoked. I had already gotten over most of the withdrawal symptoms by that time. I'm now back to regular smoking habits for 2 weeks. Yesterday would have been my 3rd month quitting anniversary which I was so looking forward to. I'm going back on the patch again next week and will avoid smokers next time.

You don't need to avoid smokers, you just need to avoid drinking around them. Also, good friends will smoke less around you out of respect. You can't demand it, but if they respect your decision they'll back off a little bit.
as hard as this may sound

you need to avoid the friends that smoke

spend some alone time

i quit back in september of 2011 and the first month is the hardest

it does get easier - take it one day at a time and find a constructive hobby to occupy your time that would be filled with smoking

This obviously depends on the person that is quitting. The worst time for me was when I was alone, that is when I wanted to smoke the most. It was easiest for me to be with other people that were smoking. I NEVER had a problem going to bar (back when you were allowed to smoke in them). Maybe it was the smell of the smoke that made it easier, thinking if I could smell it I was smoking it :)

btw, I used the patch too and it was the only way I could quit. But...it became a replacement for me. As long as I had a patch on I was good to go. I ran out of patches one day and on the way to work it was either try to find someplace open that sold patches (back then it was only a place with a pharmacy) or hit the corner store for a pack of smokes. I didn't have time to find a pharmacy. Took me another 6 months to try quitting again.
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Willpower is where it's at. That's the only way you'll quit.

If you like apps and wanna know how much money you've saved, regained in health, etc. This little guy helped my cousin quit after 15 years of 2-3 packs a day. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/quit-it-lite-stop-smoking-now/id468624531?mt=8 (there's Android ones too). It puts little reminders in your phone to keep you motivated. Good luck. One day at a time.
Gee, thanks for rubbing it in! lol!

I think some of us are just wired to have addictive tendencies. Whether it's something we're born with vs something we learn is a whole other conversation.

You don't need to avoid smokers, you just need to avoid drinking around them. Also, good friends will smoke less around you out of respect. You can't demand it, but if they respect your decision they'll back off a little bit.

A lot of smoking tendencies are based on habitual things. What i realized when I quit was that my brain would tell me, if I had a beer, then I should have a smoke to go with it, have a coffee, same thing... You just need to be conscious of these cues and be prepared to resist. Optionally, is to distance yourselves from people or scenarios where you would normally smoke.

It is so very mental and being conscious of the subconscious cues. I remember being at work at my desk for some time after quitting and my brain would tell me at intervals that I would normally go out for a smoke that I was due to go outside for my smoke. You just need to be aware and have the willpower to resist. The urges will subside.

When i quit I gained some weight, supposedly gained some health, gained back my sense of smell, gained some $ that wasn't going to smokes. What I did realize in time was the small social network that I gave up of the smokers in the office. You lose touch with the marketing/manufacturing/Finance/HR people that congeal at the "smoking spot" :)
Smoked from 16-21. I can totally relate to what you're going thru because I'm really trying to quit posting on GTAM. You need to psych yourself out to accepting that only unhealthy dirty losers smoke and that's just not you. Think back to when you were a squeeky clean kid (if your parents smoked you may be doomed) and try to recapture that. It's especially important to look down on smokers, that will help set you apart as better than them. Which you will be if you succeed. That's probably a big if but it's worth a shot, maybe you'll get a lucky strike.
Today was good. I got so busy that I didn't even have time for lunch, let alone think about smoking. Everything went wrong today, and keeping my mind on getting everything done as efficiently as possible helped me forget about cigarettes. All in a day's work in the fast paced world of dumpster rentals. Lol!
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