Hey guys.
I've emailed the town/mayor/pubic works/Dufferin county about the ongoing issue of road maintenance/motorcycle safety. I've already heard back from the Mayor and public works depts, so hopefully we'll get some attention paid to the persistent trouble spots. I've swept up a few of the ****** spots already this summer (it usually only takes a few minutes)- kept saying i was going to send an email to the County, but unfortunately it took DemonPig's crash to UNprocrastinate me. Kinda late in the season- but better than nothing i guess?
Also---this morning I loaded the car up with a big 'magic' heavy-duty snow shovel, a flat metal garden shovel, a big-*** push broom, and a large bucket.
Got to the area you guys spilled at and it looks like they had already cleared it?
Was raining and there was a bit of traffic so i didn't get out and walk around though--it was hard to tell if it had been completely cleaned- but it didn't look too bad.
I'll check it out properly tonight on my way home and give it a quick sweep if it needs it.