How about setting up a fund that pays them a dollar for every dollar they earn?
Clever. I like it.
How about setting up a fund that pays them a dollar for every dollar they earn?
@PrivotPilot I could retire on a milly, but 2 would allow for a lil more. Like get the kid's a house each. But like I've said before: 2 mil, my wife and I can retire...1 mil? Well, she'll still have to work! (what? I buy the tickets! )
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Holy people actually do that. Bahaha. Instead of publishing the names of the winners they should publish the names of the people who pester them.
You mentioned the amount of $50K per year in a previous post.
You can easily earn $50K a year from $1mil invested.
Clever. I like it.
pay matching, that's an interesting concept! what if you get a girl and she ends up a stripper? you'll be paying a lot of money![]()
With mortgages being so cheap.... That would not be a wise decision IMO. I'd put as little down as possible.
They'd have a trust fund that made their lives comfortable, don't worry, but I'd find some way to tie it to a requirement to continue their education and maintain meaningful employment.
It also tests the kid to see if theyre gonna try to get their own success or depend on daddy/mommy's money.It must be awesome being a parent, dreaming up ways to control your kids if you had any money worth mentioning.
It must be awesome being a parent, dreaming up ways to control your kids if you had any money worth mentioning.
pay matching, that's an interesting concept! what if you get a girl and she ends up a stripper? you'll be paying a lot of money![]()
But then there's also lawyering that can be pretty crooked. Unless you're a public defender lol then x5 ratioBased on T-4's so drug deals, hooking and stripping don't count. Come to think of it money earned as a politician doesn't count either. Same ethical reasons.
My pool of 60 tickets "won" $12. That's not $1.5 billion. Liars.
Tennessee Florida California
3 winning tickets.
Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk