Just can`t wrap my brain around it


Well-known member
So i`m thinking, time to buy a bike.
I`m 40 y/o, 18 years lisc, clean record
A '98-'02 is in my budget.
I call about a '00 ZX6R
Get a quote of $785a year
See a great deal on an '07 and an '08
So knowing fully what to expect, I call for a quote
"She says $4135 a year"
Ummm excuse me? $345 a month?
So i ask her to recheck the '00 quote
"oh,that qoute was wrong. It would be $3925 a year"
So $325 a month?
For the love of good its a good thing i didn`t go buy a bike based on the last qoute
of $785 a year.

So after all that. How can anyone possibly afford to ride and insure a bike?
And where the hell are some of you guys getting the $80-$90 quotes from?

So in order to ride I have to buy a 1975 350cc something?

Sorry for the long blathering read. But i`m so let down after weeks of searching for the perfect bike. Then I get this news.
Are you recently licensed with your M1/M2?
I was in the same boat as you, however I had my license starting in '86 and was last insured in '90..I got an outrageous quote last year for my GSXR 750 of 4304 all in, unless I could prove I was insured before. So I called my old insurance company Co-op they didn't have the records. I called a angency that keeps all the insurance records for all companies for 20 years, they had a record of my insurance but it didn't specifically say Motorcycle, just that I had insurance with them. I called TD , they insure my car they wouldn't do it. I called every company I could find and told them over and over my story. Finally on my last attempt I thought I was done, I called primum...as soon as I heard welcome to TD insurance my heart sank (since I called them already). Well I explained everything to them and they gave me a credit for 1 year motorcycle driving and I am paying 734 a year. Apparently TD insurance owns them but they have their own policy's. I was soo happy. Give them a call and see what you can get... Good Luck
So in order to ride I have to buy a 1975 350cc something?

Nope. Just buy something that doesn't have an R in the model name or isn't classified as a sport or supersport bike.

Go for a touring bike for lower rates, or for a cruiser for even lower rates. Insuring an upper-midsize cruiser costs me the price of a 24 of domestic beer each month.

Your rates will eventually drop if you can keep a reasonable claims and riding record. Then you can switch back to an R bike and be able to show your face to the Timmies crowd.
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Nope. Just buy something that doesn't have an R in the model name or isn't classified as a sport or supersport bike.

Go for a touring bike for lower rates, or for a cruiser for even lower rates. Insuring an upper-midsize cruiser costs me the price of a 24 of domestic beer each month.

Your rates will eventually drop if you can keep a reasonable claims and riding record. Then you can switch back to an R bike and be able to show your face to the Timmies crowd.

I`m just not interested in a cruiser. Its not the power of a SS I like. Its the riding position and the styling.
So a bike like a yzf 600 or zzr 600 might get me around the SS problem?
Or do I have to scale back to a '90-'95 fzr 600?
Nope. Just buy something that doesn't have an R in the model name or isn't classified as a sport or supersport bike.

Go for a touring bike for lower rates, or for a cruiser for even lower rates. Insuring an upper-midsize cruiser costs me the price of a 24 of domestic beer each month.

Your rates will eventually drop if you can keep a reasonable claims and riding record. Then you can switch back to an R bike and be able to show your face to the Timmies crowd.

"R" doesn't mean anything. My bike is officially a ZR750 and it's considered a Standard bike. My buddy has a FZ6R and it's considered a standard bike.
I`m just not interested in a cruiser. Its not the power of a SS I like. Its the riding position and the styling.
So a bike like a yzf 600 or zzr 600 might get me around the SS problem?
Or do I have to scale back to a '90-'95 fzr 600?

It should help a bit, but by how much depends on each given insurance company. Going to a 95 or earlier bike should get you around any sportbike surcharges. However, you should go get quotes for the bikes you are considering, as I think you're probably painfully aware of now anyways.
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GM for 18 years and your getting $4200 quotes..geez. You must be calling the wrong people.

You didn't state which insurance company you called.

I`m with Cooperators. Thier quote came from Jevco. They said they type of bike i want has a 50% surcharge on them.
Well, I have no problem scaling back my choices due to purchase and ins costs.
Things like '88-'95 FZR, GSXR ZX6 are on my new search list.
I`ll keep you updated with how the search goes and what the Ins quotes are for them.
They said they type of bike i want has a 50% surcharge on them.

It's really 400% surcharge. 1995 and prior sportbikes in good shape are getting harder to find. I was in a market for a CBR900 or YZF750 but bought a Ducati Monster. And Jevco now only surcharges the Ducati superbikes, Monsters are off the blacklist.
Sportbike or not, $4000 quotes for a 40 yr old with 18 yrs riding in outrageous.

I am 38 with 20 yrs riding. When I had my last bike, an 05 GSXR1000, I was paying $1360 full coverage.

With Jevco, a friend of mine just got his 94 ZX6E covered. He just got his M1 a week ago, and he is 27 yrs old. He is paying $1118/yr, WITH JEVCO!!

Call another insurance company!!
GM for 18 years and your getting $4200 quotes..geez. You must be calling the wrong people.

You didn't state which insurance company you called.

Yeah wtf is this? I know guys in their late 40's- 50's who have 1000 CC as bikes as their first bike and are paying less. Weird thing insurance is sometimes

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+1 for Jevco and State Farm

Have you considered the Suzuki SV650? Also considered a standard or sport tour with the insurance companies and the ergos are similar to the SS bikes.
that is total bull! I'm 25 with State Farm, newly licensed and I pay $107/mth for my gsxr600 and I have 1 accident/1 minor ticket on my car (not with SF).

I too called Jevco at first and they quoted me like $4200/year without even knowing about the accident/ticket. The girl said that they had a big premium on supersports.
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