June, Sat. 18th Hockley Valley + Beaver Valley

Was a fun ride but it was not my day for sure..My visor broke on the 400 coming home..I had to hold on to one side of the visor because it was going to fly off, and exit the hwy asap. to try to see whats wrong. AND I have this little motorcycle keychain attachment that was a guy on a sportbike made out of some kind of metal, my father gave to me when I was a little kid, it is attached to my bike key. The front wheel of the bike some how broke off, possibly from vibration or wind, that kinda ****** me off. And just so many idiot drivers doing there make up, eating, texting, or just straight up retarded EVERYWHERE today.
So I need a new plate for the helmet where the visor clicks into now.. I am riding with it off lol, sunglasses ofcourse.
lol wow Tiggy, u got it all today didnt u :S
i got home, and passed out, my hands are dead, my neck is killllllllling.. tooo much riding for the past week, gotta rest now
yeah sorry guys, i kinda left early, but just like i said, the day before i was at perry sound, on a sport bike... im deaaad

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