June 7 2018 Ontario Election

Yes...thanks Obama for the economy and the start of the decline of black unemployment (0.9% change under Trump by the way). Thanks Trump for the continued divided nation and emboldened right wing racists.

You really need to get out of your vacuum and look beyond prejudicial margins.

JC100 gotta sing another tune, the racists card is getting old and not stopping the conversation anymore as the peeps are wising up...as I said before I like to watch the snake start biting its own tale. :D
Sorry guys, I'm busy listening to the awesomeness of Trump at the State of the Union.

Agree with yeah was a good show! loves watching the Dems look oh so deflated and playing candy crush on their phones...lol their heads are exploding ...the thought of loosing their cheap labour and cheap votes :lmao:

Gotta like JP take on our leader crying Justine.

JC100 gotta sing another tune, the racists card is getting old and not stopping the conversation anymore as the peeps are wising up...as I said before I like to watch the snake start biting its own tale. :D

Its only getting old for the racists.
The Liberals haven't deserved to win the last three or four elections ... but they keep getting re-elected because every time, the PC party somehow manages to shoot themselves in the foot. This is headed in the same direction.

I would not believe they can be that dumb and incompetent so many times in a row ... but I guess anything is possible for the PC party.

If **** flew the same way it does in the US, you would already see them here to pull their card of desperation ... seal the border (all of them, even the North ...), build the wall, severely limit immigration, get rid of the stupid programs like OHIP etc. and give the top 1% a massive tax cut.

But, they cannot do that, because they know, they would get even less seats than they got the last time around ... so we see the PC circus to continue, probably for much longer than any of us have thought before.
Agreed. Liberals didn't win, the PCs lost.

True, but tell me which election (any) was actually won in the recent history, in your opinion? I start to believe that this is not possible anymore, because the one side somehow always drops the ball and let's the other side squeak by ..... Finding one decent party and program is impossible as we have seen, finding two is borderline miracle, so two parties having a go at it, because both platforms could be considered decent and electable.
She is riding the coat tails of her last name, and has been working and living in the USA. Only recently became interested in Canada.

Hopefully Doug jumps all over that.
So who knows anything about Caroline Mulroney?

That's the problem. We're not effectively a Monarchy where the reins of power are handed down generation to befuddled generation.
Do we really want to be in the same position as the fed Liberals who picked someone based upon their name, rather than their knowledge or wisdom?

Anyways, I got this in the mail yesterday. Is it too late to ask for a refund? And who bothers to send a card that's only good for four months?

She is riding the coat tails of her last name, and has been working and living in the USA. Only recently became interested in Canada.

Hopefully Doug jumps all over that.

Name recognition, that's all. Worked for the federal Liberals.
I think Christine Elliot will win the leadership race. Just need to see the platform. If there's any of that regressive BS from Hudak's campaign forget it.
I think Christine Elliot will win the leadership race. Just need to see the platform. If there's any of that regressive BS from Hudak's campaign forget it.
You would hope that someone in that party recognizes that only an old style "Progressive Conservative" candidate and platform has a chance of winning in Ontario.

I think Brown got to where he is because he seemed to be able to sign up so many party members and delegates. Can nobody in that party see the bigger picture? See that this Province is very diverse and that divisive rhetoric and policies is going to be anathema to voters?

It's like they sit in caucus meetings and they believe their own echo chamber. This Province gets more ethnically diverse year after year and there is really no place for social Conservatism in Ontario. It might fly in some of the rural ridings but the big voting blocks with lots of seats are likely not going to buy into that.

Year after year and election cycle after election cycle these idiots seem to be tone deaf. My undergrad was not in Political Science but even I can clearly see these folks are on the wrong track. The closest we got to an old style "Red Tory" was when the current Toronto Mayor had the reigns of the party and managed to blow it by bringing in a school debate out of nowhere. Would have made for a nice trial balloon and discussion point AFTER they were in power. Instead Maguinty was able to use it as a fear and distraction tactic. Unless they get a good candidate and platform they are not going to even be competitive in this election. Sadly, I can see these loonies making a Ford or Malrooney their leader. It would fit with the cycle of dysfunction they have been operating under for so many years.
I think Christine Elliot will win the leadership race. Just need to see the platform. If there's any of that regressive BS from Hudak's campaign forget it.

I agree. An experienced politician, decent person and her husband was largely well respected.
Good ole provincial Conservative party imploding... again...

With no fundamental changes or ideology shifts coming I don’t see their chances of winning this election improving much.

Hopefully enough to keep the Liberal party from getting another majority. Liberal party will win again this year.
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