Judge rules Nfld man was right to shoot intruder

Even a 2 LR has penetrating power, hypothetically four or more interior walls. Many times that for a more powerful weapon.


In Canada if an intruder instantly gave up when confronted and the police called who would get hammered worse, the intruder or the defender?

Intruder would get hit with break and enter.

However would the cops be over zealous with gun charges against the defender? It has happened.

Would such charges result in the revoking of a restricted firearm permit?

What would be the most compact weapon available that would avoid the restricted clause?

Fun story. (Takes place in West Toronto)

Uncle (who is a collector) bought a new handgun from a private seller and was admiring it in the car on the way home while his brother drove.

Someone spotted him looking at it while they were at a red light and called the cops. 10 seconds after he pulled into his home he was swarmed by 9 police vehicles, guns drawn, screaming at him to kiss the dirt.

He was charged with improper storage and transportation of a firearm (if i recall correctly). Upon conviction he was given a 10 year ban from owning a licence and had to give his collection away.

Point is, yeah; It can go sideways very quickly for you here when you don't follow the laws in place and someone puts five-oh onto you.
Even a 2 LR has penetrating power, hypothetically four or more interior walls. Many times that for a more powerful weapon.


In Canada if an intruder instantly gave up when confronted and the police called who would get hammered worse, the intruder or the defender?

Intruder would get hit with break and enter.

However would the cops be over zealous with gun charges against the defender? It has happened.

Would such charges result in the revoking of a restricted firearm permit?

What would be the most compact weapon available that would avoid the restricted clause?

Cops were initially zealous in their prosecution of home defenders. However, there's enough case law now to establish you have a right to defend your home and your life from dangerous invaders. That is constitutional case law. Police prosecutions in most cases have proven ineffective, especially if the intruder is armed and on your property.

Not many people will use a .22 long rifle for home defence. Long guns aren't practical for that. Too big, heavy, cumbersome. As for penetration, I haven't heard of lots of cases where bullets are getting through walls and killing other occupants. There was one case in Brampton but that was gangsters shooting at each other and I'm not sure what kind of gun was used.
Buckshot shouldn't penetrate a firewall, birdshot isn't as likely to go through an interior wall, and if it does then it shouldn't have enough kinetic force afterwards to cause harm. I would prefer birdshot for home defense for that reason. Also it's less lethal, would hurt like hell, and if the perp escapes he's going to have explaining to do later.
Remington used to make .22 caliber rimfire shells with birdshot. Maybe the perfect solution.
Remington used to make .22 caliber rimfire shells with birdshot. Maybe the perfect solution.
... for killing mice up to about 15 feet away with steel shot, but it's only effective at very close range with paper shot.
Lots of manufacturers make them. Pellets are small enough they can stuff more then a hundred in a .22 shell casing, great way to really anger an assailant, if you don't take out their eye you better have a backup plan.
Read up on sleep inertia. The time it takes to wake up and be cognitive. It varies with individuals from a minute to an hour before rational decisions can be made.

Even out riding it can be an issue. If you're cruising along relaxed and enjoying the scenery listening to music and suddenly out pops a deer or left turner and you're not in the reaction groove. If you ride totally prepared all the time is it worth it if you're as jumpy as a cat?

Sitting around the house on high alert doesn't sound like fun.
Cops were initially zealous in their prosecution of home defenders. However, there's enough case law now to establish you have a right to defend your home and your life from dangerous invaders. That is constitutional case law. Police prosecutions in most cases have proven ineffective, especially if the intruder is armed and on your property.

Not many people will use a .22 long rifle for home defence. Long guns aren't practical for that. Too big, heavy, cumbersome. As for penetration, I haven't heard of lots of cases where bullets are getting through walls and killing other occupants. There was one case in Brampton but that was gangsters shooting at each other and I'm not sure what kind of gun was used.

Are you referring to the kid that was caught in the head while sitting on his couch playing video games a few years ago?
Cops were initially zealous in their prosecution of home defenders. However, there's enough case law now to establish you have a right to defend your home and your life from dangerous invaders. That is constitutional case law. Police prosecutions in most cases have proven ineffective, especially if the intruder is armed and on your property.

Not many people will use a .22 long rifle for home defence. Long guns aren't practical for that. Too big, heavy, cumbersome. As for penetration, I haven't heard of lots of cases where bullets are getting through walls and killing other occupants. There was one case in Brampton but that was gangsters shooting at each other and I'm not sure what kind of gun was used.

A number of years ago there was a minister in New York city who wanted to set up a gun range for gangstas in his church basement so they could aim better and minimize the killing of innocent bystanders.
A number of years ago there was a minister in New York city who wanted to set up a gun range for gangstas in his church basement so they could aim better and minimize the killing of innocent bystanders.

A 20' high cinder block Thunderdome with staggered entrances at each end in Downsview would work in theory, but they'd be ambushing each other outside of it in reality, so there'd still be a chance of collateral damage.
A number of years ago there was a minister in New York city who wanted to set up a gun range for gangstas in his church basement so they could aim better and minimize the killing of innocent bystanders.

Sounds like a great idea. We could use the old Kingston Pen. Invite them all there for a class, then lock the door behind.
Sounds like a great idea. We could use the old Kingston Pen. Invite them all there for a class, then lock the door behind.
There's a gun range in the basement of Central Tech, but you might need to move a flight trainer and assorted sports equipment out to use it.
sorry Roadghost , wasn't this retard the guy in your first post #1 in the thread that you thought was a justified gun owner?
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