JT lifts travel restrictions

I miss doing jobs where you show up, bust your ass for the day and go home exhausted. Sadly though, you can make more money pushing paper than physical objects.

Those physicaly demanding jobs are so much more satisfying than the office jobs. It really feels like you accomplished something.
I don't think I can go back to an office job.
To be fair, the title is worth something.

You are 100% correct but the sad part is that some of these title holders use these titles for the wrong reasons. Simply just because the have a title.
instead of allowing foreign workers in to do whatever jobs are necessary in these conditions, why not utilize those Canadian workers who are at home, deemed non-essential and in need of a pay cheque?

why not get everyone who is on welfare to pitch in and work 4 hours a day for their monthly cheques to replace some of these TFW's? Oh wait...they're entitled to sit on their behind all day while the rest of us get up at 7am and go to work to support their laziness. plenty of able bodied individuals that just can't be bothered. I think I am the stupid one.
Those physicaly demanding jobs are so much more satisfying than the office jobs. It really feels like you accomplished something.
I don't think I can go back to an office job.

It's far more rewarding to look at an object and say "I made that or helped make it" than "See that delete key. I pushed one just like it at work yesterday"
why not get everyone who is on welfare to pitch in and work 4 hours a day for their monthly cheques to replace some of these TFW's? Oh wait...they're entitled to sit on their behind all day while the rest of us get up at 7am and go to work to support their laziness. plenty of able bodied individuals that just can't be bothered. I think I am the stupid one.

Want a peach that was picked by a pi**** off lazy bum, forced to earn part of his keep? One of the reasons workfare didn't work. Basically sabotage. The only work you can give them is stuff that doesn't need to be done.
As a small business owner I get the pleasure of doing both the physical and the management jobs. The funny part is there are days I don’t make it to the job site because I’m dealing with pricing, design, or another managerial duties. The guys will tease me about hiding from the real work. When in fact there is nothing I like more than a day busting out a ceramic floor or some other form of demolition work,
Filling the trailer for a dump run, picking up and delivering 80 sheets drywall without my phone buzzing out of my pocket.
I started as a helper 25 years ago, worked my way to management and then back on tools. Because hard work was more satisfying and paid the same as the job I had management. I started my own company 7 years ago for 1 reason to find away to make more money. If it wasn’t for the money I would gladly take the physical labour position in any company especially mine.
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