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Im looking for one of those old school 4cyl 250's....cbr250rr or zxr 250. I know there used to be a place in scarb called nuak. Anybody know anywhere else?
Im looking for one of those old school 4cyl 250's....cbr250rr or zxr 250. I know there used to be a place in scarb called nuak. Anybody know anywhere else?

As an owner of one of these jdm bikes, i say it's not worth it. Unless you're at places like Thailand, having original parts are almost impossible. Even in Thailand they only make parts on demand, no more off the shelf.

I value my available time for riding too much more than bragging right. My cibby is in my basement as decorative piece
Nuak seems to be gone, or at least it appears to be the case. I have FZR250, and ride it regularly. All I really need for the boring Ontario roads.

These threads pop up every now and then .... usually the verdict depends on .....

1) It is your first bike and you want 250 with more power then current crop of 250's? ... pass
2) It is your only bike and your commute will depend on it .... pass
3) You are not mechanically inclined ... pass

Of course, the above three points don't matter, if you just want it for your collection or ride it three times a year as a second or third bike.
There are none in Ontario anymore. You are stuck with trying to find somebody selling one privately or importing one yourself. I know somebody with a CBR250RR that he doesn't ride or have insurance on at the moment. Not sure if he would sell it though. I have a project VFR400 I'm debating selling but not sure yet. Without an importer bringing in containers of bikes the prices of the ones already here will go up due to supply and demand. Can check sites like raresportbikesforsale.com but most bikes listed there are Ebay auctions with bidding wars. You're also buying the bikes without seeing them in person if you do that.
As an owner of one of these jdm bikes, i say it's not worth it. Unless you're at places like Thailand, having original parts are almost impossible. Even in Thailand they only make parts on demand, no more off the shelf.

I value my available time for riding too much more than bragging right. My cibby is in my basement as decorative piece

In your basement as a decorative piece? :banghead:

These things were made to be thrashed. Wanna give it a good home?
I have a Bandit 400/GSXR400 hybrid as a racebike.

Its fantastic fun. But getting parts for it is hard. God forbid you melt a piston...a new set for my bike is $1500 CND.
Ya thats kind of what i thought....not too much going on jdm wise. I remember nuak had a few nice cbrs and a real nice green zxr250 but those days are gone haha! Not looking for a first bike but just a ride once a month type deal.
Ya thats kind of what i thought....not too much going on jdm wise. I remember nuak had a few nice cbrs and a real nice green zxr250 but those days are gone haha! Not looking for a first bike but just a ride once a month type deal.

Trust me, the only thing about these bikes is bragging right of how rare they are. Riding experience is opposite.

These 250cc screamers have no torque... nah da. You're probably having some laughs in the first 30 min of riding. After that the experience sucks. Compare to modern sport bikes, these bikes are silly on street. They require you keep on the upper range and momentum to ride smooth.

I switched back and forth with my Daytona, and its night and day. At the end of the day, riding experience is what gives you smiles.

I'm not regretting to buy the cibby as i'm keeping it for bragging. But i have no time as is, and when i have time to ride, i prefer my Daytona
Trust me, the only thing about these bikes is bragging right of how rare they are. Riding experience is opposite.

These 250cc screamers have no torque... nah da. You're probably having some laughs in the first 30 min of riding. After that the experience sucks. Compare to modern sport bikes, these bikes are silly on street. They require you keep on the upper range and momentum to ride smooth.

I switched back and forth with my Daytona, and its night and day. At the end of the day, riding experience is what gives you smiles.

I'm not regretting to buy the cibby as i'm keeping it for bragging. But i have no time as is, and when i have time to ride, i prefer my Daytona

Sorry, but to put Daytona in the same sentence with 4cyl. 250 is a bit apples to large melons comparison. The thing is that these bikes are miles better, in every way, than current crop of small cc bikes. Maybe Duke 390 is exception, sort of. And that's the point, not to put them against modern 600cc sport bikes ....
Ya thats kind of what i thought....not too much going on jdm wise. I remember nuak had a few nice cbrs and a real nice green zxr250 but those days are gone haha! Not looking for a first bike but just a ride once a month type deal.

You can make me an offer for mine, I could use the space for another JDM in my garage .... PM me if you are serious.
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