Fark, I haven't bought my arms yet, I need it so I can live off the grid. I guess I should stock up on some crossbows
I could totally see you rocking the samurai sword lol.
Fark, I haven't bought my arms yet, I need it so I can live off the grid. I guess I should stock up on some crossbows
Holy crap, that would have sucked to be in that car man. All those poor people just going on with there life's had everything turned around in a second.
Makes me glad to live in a country were we don't worry about natural disasters like that.
Just tornados and earth quakes...
Umm I know a fair bit about this country and can't remember last time we got hit by a tsunami or major earth quake. Or volcano for that
matter. Obviously your at risk anywhere on the planet, but as far as geological safety were pretty well off.
1964 was the last tsunami. http://archives.cbc.ca/science_technology/natural_science/clips/13171/ It did a lot of damage and driving up the island you see the tsunami warning signs and the speakers they set up for the alarm.
And there was a warning for BC when it hit Japan.
I was in BC when an earth quake hit that was enough to cause some damage to my school. Not to mention the earthquake they predict will be enough to basically make Vancouver Island inhabitable.
My point is Canada isn't 100% free of its own issues. Which you claimed it was.
cool! its like a lazy river only on city streets
Cool?? really? 10's of thousands of people lost their lives and so many more tragically affected by this and you think it's cool, like a lazy river. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!! Do you have no understanding off what you're looking at??