That is the problem, there are not many solid places on today's cars, and they will not hold the weight, try and find a solid spot on a front wheel drive car, take for example a Mazda 3, no where in the back to jack the car up, other than the designated spot for a jack, don't use the spots that are designated and your crushing the lip of the car body and whatever else is under there, or the skirting, and so on, if your using points not designed to hold the weight your twisting the body or the frame and things will get out of alignment quickly, try jacking up the rear end of a C63, unless it's the jacking points, first off it's so low even a low profile jack can barely get under, and then there is nothing solid to place the jack to lift and or hold, and so on, even the OP's BMW does not have a lot of solid points to jack up and or hold a car up on jack stands.
not sure what car you have, but I know of the many recent cars I have had, you don't just lift a car from where ever you want....