I can't believe nobody suggested Turkish-style coffee.. Ingredients:
1) One HEAPING teaspoon extra-fine grind (turn it into dust so you can't feel individual grains when you rub them hard between your fingers) of a light-medium roast. Pre-ground Barzula in golden-colored bags is actually pretty decent.. I saw it at No Frills and Starsky in the $5-6 range for 250g
2) Sugar to taste [typically corresponding to how much you put in tea]
3) 3/4c of water
-Use a small metal pot with a pouring tip (not absolutely necessary, but makes the job easier - available at Honest Ed's in the $6 range last time I checked) to heat up the mix of sugar and water until it's boiling.
-Put the coffee into the pot and stir it in
-Put it back on the stove until it's just short of boiling over and take off <-- repeat this 2-3 more times
-Pour into small cup and let stand for about 3-4min (so the coffee will settle to the bottom)
-Enjoy coffee as good as it gets, sipping slowly [the coffee is ground so fine that the grains will settle to the bottom and you'll drink all of it in peace]
-If you're superstitious, once you're done drinking, flip the cup bottom up on top of a saucer and let somebody tell your fortune based on the pattern made by the mud running down the wall of the cup