Ive killed my lawn


Well-known member
I don't have a drive way so what I have done is dig a ramp into my yard. I ride my bike up into my yard and do a 3 point turn to face forward. In doing this - I have killed my lawn. It looks like a dirt pit now. Anyone have a suggestion on what I could plant that may be able to handle being ridden over. I don't want to brick it.
My friend had this grass she planted, was said to survive a horses trample. Only problem was you had to cut it three times a week! I'll see if I can find what it was called/where to get it

-Jamie M.
There's a ton (literally) of different design, pattern and coloured patio stones at HD. Around $3 sq. ft. Get creative.

I put a lot of effort into trying to keep my lawn nice and green, and its always a losing battle!
I don't have a drive way so what I have done is dig a ramp into my yard. I ride my bike up into my yard and do a 3 point turn to face forward. In doing this - I have killed my lawn. It looks like a dirt pit now. Anyone have a suggestion on what I could plant that may be able to handle being ridden over. I don't want to brick it.

if you dont want to brick it dig the dirt pit about 7- 10 inches deep how ever length or width you want it make a form with 1 by 8 and pour a small pad of concrete its cheap, lasts forever if you mix the concrete right and looks great with the right finish.
Don't do the turn in the same spot each time. If its big enough just do it in different spots so you don't ruin a small section.
Picture = 1000 words. I'm a landscape contractor and I won't give my 2cents without it. Also if you don't have a driveway, you should call the city to see what the regulation is on "creating a parking area" for a residential dwelling or what the policy is on parking a motorcycle on the front lawn. You may spend a few grand on the yard only to find out they're going to throw tickets at you.
Picture = 1000 words. I'm a landscape contractor and I won't give my 2cents without it. Also if you don't have a driveway, you should call the city to see what the regulation is on "creating a parking area" for a residential dwelling or what the policy is on parking a motorcycle on the front lawn. You may spend a few grand on the yard only to find out they're going to throw tickets at you.

I'd like to get the bricks continued down to the curb on the left side (to enclose the mulch), but need the driveway cut/bricks/installed. Is this something you could complete for me?

I like the dark wood chips! Im on a cruiser and the spin move isn't that great for me. Although I love that adea. Lot width id 15 feet with a foot and a half side walk. I'll put up a pic when the dam snow melts. As for paving for a parking pad - I doubt I could. I think you have to get 60% approval from my neighbours. I've never had a ticket for parking it there. I figure they don't bother unless they get a complaint. I do enjoy a nice lawn but I think I will lose this battle. Maybe the dark woodchips with some greens planted.
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