It's not the track....don't bunch up.

Just answer this simple question, would you rather go over a banana peel while upright or mid corner while leaned over?

Will tell you all you need to know about traction, contact patches
Hanging off or not, is not the issue here. Following too closely is.

By the way, the geometry of all late model sport bikes (last couple of decades or three) and their tires (which are an integral part of the system) are designed with a hanging-off rider in mind.
Face... no track days needed here I know very well how to lean off a bike like a gorilla reaching for a banana. I'm just saying excessive hanging off on the street looks childish and retarted PERIOD. I M O

Btw about bunching up I remember that LIMEGREEN labour day ride up to southwood and 507 a couple years ago Mr zx10 chubby dude goes weed wacking and all hell breaks loose at least 4 bikes went down due to following too close and all on cam posted next day on gtam. Come to think of it I there was 2 other accidents that day but mostly people riding beyond capabilities.
So ya bunching up can bite ya.
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