It's a nice enough bike but it could be so much better if some of the parts were from this millennium.
The guy building the bike is too obsessed with vintage "quality". Just because it's old and simple doesn't always mean it's more functional or reliable.
A 40+ year old Ohlins shock? Sure, it's been rebuilt but come on, suspension tech has come a long way since the early 80's.
And did you hear how to access the gas that'll be stranded in the tank wings? Just take the tank off and somehow ride with it raised 5cm off it's mounts in order to get the last 10% of the fuel in the tank. Or pour the gas into a water bottle, stick a hose in it and feed the carb that way? Really?
I really hope the guy gives Noraly a master list of all of the parts on the bike. Otherwise she has no chance of figuring out which random 80's Yamaha part she needs to order when some of these ancient components break in the middle of nowhere.