It’s February!


Well-known member
Hey guys and gals! How we doing? I’m entering my second season. For those of us who doesn’t ride all year. When do you guys usually start riding? I remember when I got my bike last year. It was March and that’s when I started riding. Thanks y’all! Just excited. 😎🏍
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Usually wait until salt is off the road. Have had a couple bikes that I took out in the salt as they were already ugly.

When I was in town and my commute was short I waited for +2C now that I have to take the highway I wait for +8C
When conditions, and your gear...and your skill...allow.

Conditions = road conditions that allow for proper traction. Some worry about the salt and leftover brine running across the roads, but for me personally that's secondary to stuff like leftover sand in corners and snow.

Your gear = Do you have proper gear for cold weather shoulder season riding? Getting your extremities cold soaked can reduce your reaction time (think about how your fingers slow down when your hands get really cold) and really just isn't super fun anyways. If you have heated gear you open up all sorts of extra riding time.

Your skill = An important consideration. If you do hit a patch of sand in a corner do you have the skills to now lowside by accident? Cars don't really expect to see motorcycles in winter or shoulder season riding, and tires have less traction in cold road conditions or just plain cold weather, so do you have the skills to keep yourself safe? Extra observation and extra buffer spaces and braking times can be necessary.
Stay safe.

IMHO in only your second season I wouldn't rush out too early. Sometime as simple as a lowside can really mess up your bike or yourself for the season ahead.
No it's not. Today is still January. That would be tomorrow.

Riding here (Ottawa) doesn't usually start until mid April, when the historical average gets above 10c, and the first full month is May.

So there's probably around 70 days or so, unless you dress warm and watch for salt/black ice/sand.
Hey guys and gals! How we doing? I’m entering my second season. For those of us who doesn’t ride all year. When do you guys usually start riding? I remember when I got my bike last year. It was March and that’s when I started riding. Thanks y’all! Just excited. 😎🏍
When you do decide it's time to go out, head to the nearest empty parking lot and do a few emergency braking's and avoidance maneuvers.

It shakes some of the rust off and gets your head back in the game.

Keep your head on a swivel, it's very easy to get caught up in riding again and forget the basics.
I typically would start mid April. If I start at all..
Hey guys and gals! How we doing? I’m entering my second season. For those of us who doesn’t ride all year. When do you guys usually start riding? I remember when I got my bike last year. It was March and that’s when I started riding. Thanks y’all! Just excited. 😎🏍
Hey guys and gals! How we doing? I’m entering my second season. For those of us who doesn’t ride all year. When do you guys usually start riding? I remember when I got my bike last year. It was March and that’s when I started riding. Thanks y’all! Just excited. 😎🏍

Good for you!

When I rode in the GTA, I typically got the bike out in early April.

Don't let some of the more jaded roll-my-eyes-seen-it-all members of the forum try to put you down or discourage you from getting out there or talking about riding. They've forgotten that this *is* a motorcycle forum.

I remember how excited I was when I first started riding, I wanted to do it all the time. And I STILL do! :)

Keep that passion alive for as long as you can, share your experiences, dress warm and be safe out there! (y)
By this point in the "off" season I've basically forgotten how to ride, or if I even have a motorcycle (checks garage, yup still there).

Usually by March if it's +5 I'll head out for a quick run and re-learn how to ride. April is much better usually for more distance.

Also it's almost Groundhog day, hopefully they have good news for us!
(I know it's not scienetific, but still interesting)
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