He actually did 10 years initially which is most likely way more than he would do here.
... And I'm sure that now, after the girl died, he will never get out again, which is not what would happen in Ontario.
Tim McLean was horribly beheaded on a Greyhound Bus and Vince Weiguang Li was just released on May 8th. Anyone feel safe with this guy loose?
How about poor Brian Smith? I met him several times at Ottawa 67 games back in the early 1980s. Guy was a complete gentleman. Taken out by Jeffrey Arenburg and this guy is a loose cannon in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia and is not taking his meds for his schizophrenia. When is he going to strike next? He struck an American Customs official not that long ago.
Not surprising that the nutbar in Israel was out. Society does not know what to do with people with severe mental illness. We deinstitutionalized a few decades ago with little to no oversight once these folks were thrust out into society. We have been doing band aid approaches since with ill effects. There is a good Frontline episode called "The New Asylums" which investigates this well: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/
Edit: Apparently the filmmakers who made The New Asylums have followed this up with a new one called The Release which deals with what happens to those with mental illness when they leave the American Penal System. I will watch this as it is apropos to the discussion.
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