Israel Gay Pride 6 Stabbed

Obviously a product of a devout religious upbringing, working to save all from the evils of the flesh by stabbing at said flesh.

And hours later, apparent settlers tossed a Molotov cocktail into a Palestinian home killing a 1-1/2 year old baby and severely burning his 4 year old sibling. Grafitti left behind said "revenge" and "live the king", so I'm guessing it was an attack made in homage to whatever kind of God appreciates that sort of thing.

How does this guy get out of jail on 3 counts of attempted murder.? Insane!

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
I wonder how a gay parade in Afghanistan would turn out?
That entire article... :confused2:
How does this guy get out of jail on 3 counts of attempted murder.? Insane!

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

What at about the guy in Winnipeg who beheaded the young guy on the bus and ate his flesh? He's out walking around after I think 4 years?
Good comparison, one guy did it because of imaginary voices... the other did it for his imaginary friend.

Think things through.

Some people pretend to believe in God, so that they can do whatever they want, and then blame it on someone that they don't believe in. It seems like a win-win for them, unless . . .
Shots fired?? Time to get Schiller, 250noob, blue Kawi and "what's his name in here"

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
I wonder how a gay parade in Afghanistan would turn out?

There would be a massacre and no charges would be laid. This act in Israel is horrible; however it is nothing compared to the countless Homosexuals being thrown off of buildings over the past couple of years in various parts of the Middle East.
There would be a massacre and no charges would be laid. This act in Israel is horrible; however it is nothing compared to the countless Homosexuals being thrown off of buildings over the past couple of years in various parts of the Middle East.

Or the countless gays being arrested in Russia for no other reason then being gay. Two got arrested this weekend.

Israel is no less then any of the other Middle East countries.

Keep in mind this same guy stabbed 3 people in a gay rally 3 years ago went to jail for attempted murder x3 and was just let out after serving only three years.

You telling me if he had 3 attempted murder charges against three non gays he would be out in three years?

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
This dude stabs 3 people in 2005.
Gets 3 charges of attempted murder.
Goes to jail.
Then gets released ??? Wtf??
Then goes and stabs 6 mores people!!

He actually did 10 years initially which is most likely way more than he would do here.
... And I'm sure that now, after the girl died, he will never get out again, which is not what would happen in Ontario.
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