Is this legal or illega? not motorcycle related

My dog loves car rides. He's the first in the car, chooses the passenger seat, and looks very comfortable. I love taking my dog to Wasaga, or camping.

If it bothers anybody else on the road, that's not my problem. You've got some serious issues if someone else's companion bothers you directly. Serious issues.
I'm always up for a good reason to yell at people out of streetcar windows, specially at Queen and Shaw, people will think I'm going to CAMH :laughing8:

I always laugh when ppl yell, lol. Except if they are yelling at me :rolleyes:
My dog loves car rides. He's the first in the car, chooses the passenger seat, and looks very comfortable. I love taking my dog to Wasaga, or camping.

If it bothers anybody else on the road, that's not my problem. You've got some serious issues if someone else's companion bothers you directly. Serious issues.

The problem is not "if someone has a companion" but how they carry that companion
I was reading the paper this morning and remembered this post...

Can you be charged for driving with pets?

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