Is it worth it? Input please.

First year of insurance in ontario will hurt, regardless of what bike you get. It will hurt less if you got a smaller displacement bike, but it'll still hurt. Might as well make it worth it.

There are people that pay $1000/yr and only ride 1000km all summer.
Don't be one of them. If you're gonna pay $3k for your insurance, make it count. Rack up some km's and use it as a motivator to get out there.
money isnt an issue... im making 30 an hour at my work.. it justs i dont wanna get ripped off by all these scamming insurance companies!

Then there you go if $$ isn't an issue go for it. Like they said you're paying for something you love doing, besides insurance in Ontario IS A RIP OFF
I never paid State Farm more than $135/month for any of my bikes since the age of 20... from 600s to 1000s. Do you have family nearby that you can get coverage under, or are you on your own?

Then again you just said money ain't a thang, so wtf you asking us for just go and ride...
money isnt an issue... im making 30 an hour at my work.. it justs i dont wanna get ripped off by all these scamming insurance companies!

I never paid State Farm more than $135/month for any of my bikes since the age of 20... from 600s to 1000s. Do you have family nearby that you can get coverage under, or are you on your own?

Then again you just said money ain't a thang, so wtf you asking us for just go and ride...

Money will be a problem when you really need it. You will look back and realize that you gave it away.
Invest your money in yourself and riding gear. I get a sense that you will be needing it.

Like mmmm stated, "so wtf you asking..."
You know the bike you want, money isn't an issue...enjoy and have fun! Not many people can say that in their life.
You might be better off getting a full fairing SV650, learn to ride, pay cheaper insurance.
Think about it, you will be working to give the insurance company your money. I think your goal is to give them the least.
Your ego might want that R6 but I have seen some nice SV650's. Learn to ride, buy proper gear, tires etc...
Do some track days, you will be a better rider than most of your peers.
Let your ego go, invest in yourself, save your hard earned money.
good luck!

SV650 is not cheaper on insurance for young drivers. I bought a 600 supersport because it is cheaper to insure than an SV650 for a 23 year old.
Statefarm is the only option for young riders and they go by CCs, so a SV650 would have been $50 more per month to insure. Funky quoting system but it work for me :)
or spend 2 more years riding dirt (way more fun than being on the street anyways) and when you're 25 get a bike. Then you at least get some KY before the insurance companies stick it to ya!
I was around $1400 my first year on the street on a 600 through state farm... But I waited until I was 25.
You might be better off getting a full fairing SV650, learn to ride,
Your ego might want that R6 but I have seen some nice SV650's. Learn to ride
Uhh if he raced mx for 8 years he can handle an R6 on the street (just don't get carried away its a bit different). Better yet, get a cheap track bike and go have real fun and use the insurance money on TDs and tires.
I'd die if I got a quote that high. I side with the shop around theory. If it doesn't get better and you have to have that bike then do it.
I say go for's only money! If you can afford it tat only live once!
well just got my quote from hamilton state farm. $2985 a year for a 2008 yamaha r6 that has 9000km.. so $7000 for the bike plus 2985 is $9985.

Do you guys think its worth it?

I have heard of people paying 6k a year for insurance. 3k a year for your first super sport bike is pretty good in my books.
well ill still get my license. im probably gonna wait til im 25, or if i find a bike that is a bit older... gonna stick to the track for this year again :(
well ill still get my license. im probably gonna wait til im 25, or if i find a bike that is a bit older... gonna stick to the track for this year again :(

I think you should just go for it now.
By the time you turn 25, the insurance rates in Ontario will probably double, that is if they still accept any sportbikes in a few years.
I was quoted about the same with SF for the same year range and model. TD wanted over double that. Its your first year on the road, it will be expensive, bite the bullet, keep it upright, and gain the experience.
well ill still get my license. im probably gonna wait til im 25, or if i find a bike that is a bit older... gonna stick to the track for this year again :(

what if you never live to see 25?
just sayin
Out of curiosity, how much do you think insurance will be when you turn 25?
I'm 27 and paying 1800/year for full coverage with 2 million liability on a GSX-R 750 with SF.

I'd say go for it man!
It would be torture to not ride street for the next two years.
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