Is it impossible to get insurance for a new rider?

Wiith all due respect, perhaps you've missed all of the e-bike related issues happening, including drunk driving, crashes, and injuries to both riders and pedestrians? Not to mention the issues with the fact all these problem riders are running around with zero responsibility due to the lack of licensing or insurance?

If you're trying to use the "success" of E-bikes as an argument for cheap insurance on motorcycles, sorry, that's a tough one to swallow. The day is soon coming when all the exceptions these things (which are effectively a vehicle) exempt from so many of the rules because of technicalities (they have pedals) is coming to an end. People using them will still have an option to get around without licensing and insurance – they're called bicycles.

I think you misunderstood my sentiments.
We used to be able to ride a 50cc moped without lic and insurance but that was killed and they demanded ins covg.

As for ebikes- what are they waiting for.
It should have NEVER been allowed on the street from day 1.
Don't worry. The aforementioned ebikes will be exploited for capital in due time.. as will the bicycle; in the interest of fairness of course :rolleyes:
Spend some time driving in any big city where bicycles are plentiful and your opinion on whether or not licensing and increased enforcement for them may be necessary is likely to change. The fact that a good majority of people on anything with pedals (yes, including eBikes) seem to think that the laws, basic courtesy, and common sense need not apply to them is going to be the direct cause of such.
Spend some time driving in any big city where bicycles are plentiful and your opinion on whether or not licensing and increased enforcement for them may be necessary is likely to change. The fact that a good majority of people on anything with pedals (yes, including eBikes) seem to think that the laws, basic courtesy, and common sense need not apply to them is going to be the direct cause of such.

Because there is no penalty for them plus they will plead ignorance since they never had to pass a written or road test from the MTO.
Spend some time driving in any big city where bicycles are plentiful and your opinion on whether or not licensing and increased enforcement for them may be necessary is likely to change. The fact that a good majority of people on anything with pedals (yes, including eBikes) seem to think that the laws, basic courtesy, and common sense need not apply to them is going to be the direct cause of such.

I think you inferred some defense of these pedal pushers where none existed... But don't kid yourself; if any licensing does materialize, it will be because the government sees some financial/political gain. Financial gain is the easy part; political not so much. I say another decade of bike couriers and e-bike bandits doin' their thing and we'll have enough public outrage to make it worthy of consideration, politically speaking.

ps, a city of 600,000+ is not exactly the sticks
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Hi all,

I am new to this forum. I recently got a Ninja 500 and I have been desperately trying to find insurance. However, it seems to be an impossible task. I've been searching through the forums and have seen a number of posts about new riders getting insurance in Ontario. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

About me:
-25 y/o
-M1: July 5, 2016
-Completed motorcycle safety course
- I have a full G license and have been insured since 2007
- No accidents/tickets/cancellations

Attempts to get insurance:
- TD Meloche Monnex: require a minimum 3 years of experience
- Statefarm: Can't insure on an M1
- Echelon: Can't insure the ninja (but willing to insure a honda rebel 250?)
- Intact: 6k/year
- I've also called 5 brokers and have had no luck

Now I understand that I will likely have to wait until my m2 to get insurance (about 45 more days). However, every broker I've called has said that I will still be paying 5-6k a year. This sounds insane. How the heck is everyone else getting decent insurance quotes?? Am I missing something? Please help!!

Aviva will be very competitive for you. Contact me if you would like to obtain a quote.
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