I didn't know there were white people in Brampton. You learn something new everyday
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Sent from my tablet using my paws
I didn't know there were white people in Brampton. You learn something new everyday
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LOL sure bud. You must have clicked on the wrong forum again. Back to stormfront.org for you!Like you know anything that goes on in the stores in Bramalea. I work in the town. My brown customer laugh and say "yeah, anything that's hot and goes on sale for half off goes in the back room. You'll never see it. I can get one for you if you want."
And CopsTourists
Lol...2 more years and I'm moving out of Bramladesh and back to Canada!
I heard most of the GTA is the same
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I'm an immigrant too.. but I'm afraid the damage has been done. Too many loopholes for bringing in people who just bog down the system. Part of why I like New Zealand so much.. impossible to get into, but so nice if you do.
Ethnocentrism is a real problem here, especially in Southern Ontario.
Guess you never been to Auckland.
Worse than bramladesh? I've never been, but long to.
[h=1]NZ tops global human freedom list[/h]http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10858183
[h=1]New Zealand ranked first in the world for social and environmental progress[/h]http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/03/new-zealand-ranked-first-social-environmental-progress
I've watched motorcycle blogs & it looks pretty ghetto.Fixed.
I'm an immigrant too.. but I'm afraid the damage has been done. Too many loopholes for bringing in people who just bog down the system. Part of why I like New Zealand so much.. impossible to get into, but so nice if you do.
Ethnocentrism is a real problem here, especially in Southern Ontario.
My family and I were returning from a camping trip and my wife needed a bathroom - Airport and Steeles area. The Shell station's bathroom apparently had been out of service for some time, we headed to the nearest alternate (Petro Canada). She witnessed a 'brown' man basically bathing in the public bathroom and bailed - the station attendant was kind enough to laugh at her as she left. At some point we found her a usable rest room, but we had to go to Torbram and Steeles to find it.
Interesting. I pretty sure Brampton is the only city that people do that. I really couldn't see that happening in Toronto. This place is a ********, just like any other city, it has nice areas and crap areas. Probably more heavy on the crap though, lol.
Downtown Toronto you see that a lot with home less people
Truckers do that on long hauls
The movement is going to spread fast. And of all people to start it, the weak, meek Dutch!
Dutch to ban multiculturalism: