Not being homophobic, but name one. And I am not talking about great things like break throughs in fashion, and or mythical greek characters.
J Edgar Hoover?
Not being homophobic, but name one. And I am not talking about great things like break throughs in fashion, and or mythical greek characters.
Did anyone watch her on the view today? Every other word was "UM".![]()
I am trying to find what exactly her appeal is to women and or to certain women.
I dunno, dude. I've only seen her on TV for like 3 minutes. She comes across like any other generic right-wing, femme-bot, Stepford wife-ish politico wife.
You guys are un-****ing-belieavable....I use a saying to try and prove a point and you jump on it and tear it apart? How about you pull your ***** out and realize the larger meaning of the phrase vs the detail of woman vs "partner"
so ****ing politically correct you guys make me sick....
Perhaps someone can explain more clearly.
I'd say that behind every great gay man there is also great woman. Women are natural nurturer's and compliment men's drive and ego in ideal situations. It has nothing to do with sexual preference. Just my opinion.
I would agree with shortstop. She is really fake and trying really hard. I think she would appeal to really churchy, overly politically correct people. If you didn't find her psycho acting there would be something wrong with youElizabeth Hasselbeck probably loves her.
As for who is in charge, neither of them. They are both figure heads and just easily manipulated puppets IMO.
Yeah, she definitely doesn't come across as sincere. She seems to know all the right things to say, has the right inflections in her voice, etc. When I watched her she was talking about missing her husband, and what they talk about when he calls her. She said they talk very "little" about the campaign, and instead he asks about their family, life back at home, blahblahblah. Maybe I'm cynical, but *suuuuuuuuuuuure*.
No doubt she appeals to a particular demographic of well-to-do white ladies in the U.S. who are married to successful men. The kind that live in affluent suburban enclaves, go to church and prominently display an American flag on the front porch.
Maybe she can make another speech about how rough they had it?