iPhone user? The new AirTag could be an effective motorcycle theft recovery tool.

“Connection” means two way communication. iPhone acts only as a receiver,

Well, arguably, that constitutes a connection, but I see where you're coming from.

That said, if you lose your device in your own vicinity and put the Airtag into lost mode, there is very much 2 way communication going on as the phone can trigger the tag to make a pinging noise, etc.

I did some experimentation with my iPhone having my daughter hide the airtag in random places and the U1 directional chip in them does an amazing job literally popping up an arrow on the iPhone telling you what direction to walk in even. They really are pretty slick.
Now, I don't like apple using my device to do things without my permission and constantly sending my position and the nearby tags to the mothership doesn't give me the warm fuzzies. Yes, it may do that already, but this makes it overtly clear that they are constantly tracking you and everything around you and piling that information into a database.

There's lots of good technical details on how that is accomplished, and it's privacy centric.

If there's one thing I trust Apple to do, it's protect and respect my privacy. The huge kerfluffle they're having with Facebook right now and the history of refusing to allow even agencies like the FBI to hack/unlock/backdoor iPhones has shown beyond any reasonable doubt they're into privacy, end stop. It's one of the biggest reasons I'm an iPhone user honestly. On Android you're basically a giant flashing beacon even when you try to disable all of it. You are the product, hence why the OS is free.
I dont have an IPhone. In my circle its mostly women that have IPhones and they dont care. Great idea but needs to be ported over to android before anyone will bother with it. IMO


Best solution for Android users, I agree.

The size of the crowdsource network unfortunately pales in comparison. Tile has sold about 30 million devices, and not everyone bought just 1, so I think the last estimate I heard was that there was maybe 15 million active users. Minus anyone who bought one but no longer uses it and deleted the app.

Apple in comparison has sold something like 3 billion iPhones. Obviously not every phone sold becomes part of the mesh, only iPhone 6S or newer, but that still means that every iPhone sold since 2015 is part of the crowdsource. That's a lot of phones - something in the range of 1 billion.

20 million devices searching for your lost keys/motorcycle/wallet/whatever vs a billion....well, your odds are a lot better with the Airtag.
Just for ***** and giggles I'm going to hobble (Wrecked my back again yesterday, ugh) down to our community mailbox at the end of my street and put my 1 airtag sitting unused in my box in lost mode and see if I get any pings. We live on a very quiet street so It'll be an interesting experiment, especially considering it'll be in a giant metal cavern.
Best solution for Android users, I agree.

The size of the crowdsource network unfortunately pales in comparison. Tile has sold about 30 million devices, and not everyone bought just 1, so I think the last estimate I heard was that there was maybe 15 million active users. Minus anyone who bought one but no longer uses it and deleted the app.

Apple in comparison has sold something like 3 billion iPhones. Obviously not every phone sold becomes part of the mesh, only iPhone 6S or newer, but that still means that every iPhone sold since 2015 is part of the crowdsource. That's a lot of phones - something in the range of 1 billion.

20 million devices searching for your lost keys/motorcycle/wallet/whatever vs a billion....well, your odds are a lot better with the Airtag.

Still irrelevant if you have an Android phone.
put the Airtag into lost mode, there is very much 2 way communication going on as the phone can trigger the tag to make a pinging noise, etc.
Well, they obviously can communicate to each other, they just normally don’t do it.
Just for ***** and giggles I'm going to hobble (Wrecked my back again yesterday, ugh) down to our community mailbox at the end of my street and put my 1 airtag sitting unused in my box in lost mode and see if I get any pings. We live on a very quiet street so It'll be an interesting experiment, especially considering it'll be in a giant metal cavern.
Or just read this ;)

The size of the crowdsource network unfortunately pales in comparison.
Apple made available their network to other vendors. I don’t know what are the conditions though, maybe they are brutal, but there are some products that already use it:

Second and third hit in the last 10 minutes.

Interesting that even in a steel mailbox it’s getting hits. And no shortage of them either.

Maybe I’ll go drop it in some more challenging areas and see what happens. 401 off ramp or something for example.
Which is why the thread is titled “iPhone user?”

Tell that to hdsomeday. I just answered his question (with one word). For some reason you felt it necessary to reply to me with an essay on how many more users Apple has vs. Tile. I already knew the +/- between the two, so your replying to me was irrelevant. Move on. Nothing to see here.
I believe everyone going gaga over these airtags, thinking they are some tracking device, is going to be disappointed.
I believe everyone going gaga over these airtags, thinking they are some tracking device, is going to be disappointed.

Tracking as in covert stalking, or “I dropped my keys somewhere while I was out walking my neighborhood earlier and need to find them”
1:10m since the tag in my mailbox got a ping now. But had about 15 in the hours before that.
Pinged again. It's clear that it's likely people out walking in the neighborhood and passing by the mailbox on the sidewalk (which is across the street from the sidewalk) are the ones triggering the pings - the GPS locations that are being sent back are all on the sidewalk, so it makes sense.

The longest it's gone since I put it down there this morning without a hit was 1h10m, aside from that it's been getting hits every 20-40 minutes.

Given as how we live on a very quiet street with little traffic, I'm happy, it'll very much do the job I really wanted for it, that being tracking mine and my wife's keys, my wallet, and eventually I think I'll put the last one on my escape artist cat LOL. The keys, wallet, etc.....probably never going to get truly lost in the wild (so the nearby tracking system and chime is the real goal) but it's nice to know that if they ever are, well, the odds they'll be pinged are solid.
Second and third hit in the last 10 minutes.

Interesting that even in a steel mailbox it’s getting hits. And no shortage of them either.

Maybe I’ll go drop it in some more challenging areas and see what happens. 401 off ramp or something for example.
Do you get the location of it? In coordinates? How accurate? You get en email or a text message?
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