Seriously, khan acadamy teaches more than you will find anywhere. It's not actually as complex a process as people think. It's like drinking out of a firehose at first, but it comes together over time. It really is as simple as buy low sell high...
You can invest from a macro perspective or a micro perspective. Either step back, take a look at the world and economy and think objectively, what will benefit in this landscape in the near future? Find companies/investments that fit that frame.
Or on a micro level, look at a company, then think, objectively, do they have the goods that will profit in the near future?
By near I mean next few years.
The whole day trading/flipping thing is not something you learn from reading or studying. You just do it. It's new driven. In that case, you are on top of all news all the time and taking action on it. You literally have to be a news junkie. Like reading news feeds 14 hours a day junkie.
In summary, start at khan acadamy. It's free on youtube. It's short snippets, and you can work through at your own pace and follow your own interests. Once you've done all that, you'll have a better grip on the scope of everything and then head to chapters or google and go from there.
So my question is, Is there a course or seminar for people that dont want to be financial planners, just want to know more about the markets and how stock trading works?
I've been to the seminars the CFP,s host, but they are usually "give your money over here, I'll fix you up"