Inversion Table

had one for years. my wife was seriously pooched and this thing was a life changer. helped me also.
I really think it has a lot to do with your injury (duh) , but if its compression related or hierniated these things have worked for me and others i have let use it
Hubby's friend has one for his scoliosis and says it helps when he uses it...he bought his off of Amazon
My dad had sciatica for a couple years and was going through the process of seeing doctors for back surgery when I bought one for him. 10 years (and no surgery) later he says he wouldn't live without one. I found it on kijiji for $200.
my wife bought one and i'ma going to try it and see if it helps my back. hopefully it won't create anymore pain

How come these are half the price of the teeters?
Teeters are well built, but they market their stuff massively compared to their competition. I have an Innova and it's solid and does the job.

The inversion works, but it's not a magic pill. A program of stretching and exercises will be the most important part of longer term relief, but the inversion does give good immediate relief and helps with the longer term program.
If you haven't had your blood pressure checked lately look into it before using any inversion therapy.
High BP and inversion= bad combination
Got one at costco with infra red heater. The amazon unit for the money looks decent You can thank China for that...

I had sciatica and should really use it more than I do, you do need get used to negative angles if you are not healthy.


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