

Well-known member
Hey my name is Canuck I’m really new to riding and I hope y’all can teach me some things. I’d also love to find a group to ride with once I get my bike but I’ll likely delay that until after I have more experience as I don’t wanna ruin anyone else’s rides. I look forward to starting my motorcycle journey with y’all
also should apologize in advance for really stupid questions that’s a pretty in character thing for me
Welcome. Just try to search before asking dumb questions. That gets you the answer to most things and avoids crusty responses.

How old? Where do you live? Are you locked into the Honda 300 or still investigating options? The honda isn't a bad choice, just for interest.
Sounds like a plan previous thread was not my biggest brain moment. I’m 19 years old from Whitby/Oshawa. Not locked into the Honda but definitely like the vibes and heard good things about it.
Sounds like a plan previous thread was not my biggest brain moment. I’m 19 years old from Whitby/Oshawa. Not locked into the Honda but definitely like the vibes and heard good things about it.
@MacDoc has a similar bike and likes it (not the rally though iirc).

As an old fart, I will advise to buy a used bike as a first bike as it will be far lower cost of ownership (will probably drop it but if you buy one pre-dropped you can sell it for the price you bought it for). As a young buck, you'll likely ignore my advice and buy the shiny bike from the showroom and learn the lesson yourself.
Lmaooo that’s good advice actually only reason I wouldn’t listen Is cuz my parents still want some sway in my life and they want me buying a new bike. Definitely gonna look around though before I buy not try rush into it
@MacDoc has a similar bike and likes it (not the rally though iirc).

As an old fart, I will advise to buy a used bike as a first bike as it will be far lower cost of ownership (will probably drop it but if you buy one pre-dropped you can sell it for the price you bought it for). As a young buck, you'll likely ignore my advice and buy the shiny bike from the showroom and learn the lesson yourself
Also should probably add before I get hate parents are not buying this bike for me. In the end it’ll be my money and my decision I also think it’s a pretty realistic starting bike I heard someone once say they wanted a 1500cc bike as their first
Welcome to the forum! Now I can say I know a real Canuck, no pun intended. The first sentence gets me a bit worried, new to riding and group rides. I'd suggest ride alone at your own pace until you're familiar with your bike and it's controls. Group rides are fun but can be a bit risky because easy to get carried away. All the best and see you around.
Welcome to the forum! Now I can say I know a real Canuck, no pun intended. The first sentence gets me a bit worried, new to riding and group rides. I'd suggest ride alone at your own pace until you're familiar with your bike and it's controls. Group rides are fun but can be a bit risky because easy to get carried away. All the best and see you around.
That was my plan honestly I’m not really a huge risk taker I’m not getting into bikes for speed just want something nice to chill on and maybe hit a few trails. Definitely won’t be riding in groups till I’m comfortable on my bike
Welcome to GTAM. The Rally is a perfect bike for you. I had a 2018 model for a year and didn't like it. But I'm an experienced rider (it was an impulse buy)
Welcome to GTAM. The Rally is a perfect bike for you. I had a 2018 model for a year and didn't like it. But I'm an experienced rider (it was an impulse buy)
Honestly I love the look and style I wanted something on the lower side for power since it’ll be my first bike and my main draw was the stats I found online for it’s fuel economy so much better than my current car. It looks like a super fun bike to ride up to my cottage on my days off
I was able to get 2.6l/100km with the 250 Rally i had. Just not enough power for me so i sold it and bought another 1100cc Ducati. Lol.
**** I’ll take a 15hp tractor give it some built in beer cosies and I’ll make it my slow cruiser
Bernadette is already telling me that there needs to be a Yeti holder in the sidecar.
Welcome to to forum!!!

You have already been given some good advice by some of our seasoned members.

Great that your parents are on board with you getting a bike. Respect that and take it slow. You do not want to make this the first and last bike you buy for obvious reasons. Unless you really end up not liking the sport or the motorcycle community. You will quickly learn that we are a great bunch of guys and girls on here and when out riding.

Show respect to others when on rides and on this forum. If you start being cocky and showing off (once you are comfortable to to join group rides) you will most likely be asked to leave or not be invited to other rides.

Just like on this forum, treat other members with respect and appreciate and take in the advice you are given. Many of our members have been riding and working on bikes for longer than you have been on this earth.

Show a nasty know-it-all attitude (if and when asking for advise) and you will quickly learn that the answers given will be much different, if given at all.

There are many thread examples where new members came on here and conducted themselves respectfully, asked for help and were given good advice. Some guys even offered to help wrench on their bike, help with delivering bike from sellers or lending tools out etc.

As for your bike.
This time you can tell your parents that they are wrong. Your first bike does not need to be a new bike. There is nothing wrong with a used bike.
Chances are you can buy a used bike an still sell it in 1-2 year for the same or very similar price. Not loosing much $$$ on it while gaining lots valuable experience.

As a new rider, your insurance will be expensive. Pick a few bikes as possibilities and call around for different quotes. You may realize that the bike you want has a really high insurance premium. You may be forced to go with your 2nd choice. (unless $ in not an issue)

Don't forget to set aside some $$$ for good gear. Yes, even used gear can be good gear. You do not need to be a model for any 1 specific brand. Better being protected then looking good.

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