International Sting Operation

Which is why I don't understand why everyone is excited about Huawei's routers
US monitors ALL internet traffic from Cisco and Juniper back doors... why wouldn't Huawei?
You get to pick who is monitoring your internet traffic... OH YEAH... the inter-connected web... so no you don't get to pick. Everyone is monitoring everything.

YET is the key word here....
The "government" isn't known for stealing monies, at least not like bald faced theft (...and don't think for a second that if BTC threatened the US economy in ANY way they wouldn't). The "government" is into stealing state, military and business secrets... which is happening ALL the time.

As long as you KNOW there is NO internet security, like NONE what so ever, what's the problem?

An off shoot of the "Anom" bust, is NO ONE in their right mind will ever trust a new device like this ever again.

... and reading between the lines of that article: "The United States was “geo-fenced,” meaning devices inside the U.S. were not monitored by U.S. authorities, but by the Australians...."
The US (and Canada, and India, and Australia, and Britain) have laws that make spying on their own citizens illegal.
So the US monitors Canada, Australia monitors India, Britain monitors the US... all legally. It's called "The Five Eyes".
The reason the US hates Snowden is he told the truth.
You have a background in IT, so you know full well that we do have cryptographically secure communication today. There are a host of problems with something like AN0M, and cryptography is probably the least of them.

Like I just wanna be clear that some of you are worrying about the wrong things here. The "government", state actors, whatever - they absolutely do hoover up information where they can, but they are almost always doing it the easy way
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