International Motorcycle Show

You getting a booth at the show?

I really wanted to but I just won't have enough product to sell, even for the March show. I've been scrambling to get the shorty glove done along with a couple of jeans/pants and a jacket, but it's just not going to happen in time. Developing new products with overseas suppliers is a slooooow process.

I'll be there next year for sure though. Already started sketching ideas for the booth. Excited about it.
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Went to the show but didn't buy much :(
Got a windshield for the 500F from Bluestreak Racing
Got a GTAM t-shirt
Couldn't find a Bell helmet to fit my head within $300 budget in a non-weirdo colour

I really like the RS1 but seems most of them were manufactured in 2013/14 at the show and the colours available in XL / XXL were not what I was looking for. Will keep looking and hopefully find one as I found it fairly light. Anybody know where I can score one online? Twisted Throttle is all sold out.

Almost signed up for the Total Control course but saw there's not that much discount so will hold off until I know more about spring schedule.

Got a tire pressure gauge from RC, a new battery tender from GP and that was it.

Disappointed in the gear selection available from all vendors on helmets and boots.

Best bike I saw was in the customs hall.
Dude built a rat bike on airbags made out of anything and everything. Looked over every inch of it for about 20min.

...still shaking my head at the booth that had some weird dude, a green track bike, a table of sex lube and ads for the swingers club downtown
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I went today. It was alright, but missings a lot of bikes like 2017 R6, 2017 Fz-09, Harley Milwaukee Eight etc.

Deals were meh, nothing worth buying. The independent vendor section was absolute garbage worse than some flea markets. Why the hell were there 3 east europe meat vendors?













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Got a tire pressure gauge from RC, a new battery tender from GP and that was it.

Disappointed in the gear selection available from all vendors on helmets and boots.

Best bike I saw was in the customs hall.
Dude built a rat bike on airbags made out of anything and everything. Looked over every inch of it for about 20min.

...still shaking my head at the booth that had some weird dude, a green track bike, a table of sex lube and ads for the swingers club downtown

There wasn't a lot of gear to try-on? I'm looking to try on some Dainese/Shoei/Arai gear on Saturday.
Went to the show but didn't buy much :(
Got a windshield for the 500F from Bluestreak Racing
Got a GTAM t-shirt
Couldn't find a Bell helmet to fit my head within $300 budget in a non-weirdo colour

I really like the RS1 but seems most of them were manufactured in 2013/14 at the show and the colours available in XL / XXL were not what I was looking for. Will keep looking and hopefully find one as I found it fairly light. Anybody know where I can score one online? Twisted Throttle is all sold out.

Almost signed up for the Total Control course but saw there's not that much discount so will hold off until I know more about spring schedule.


Did you see a lot of gear to try-on though? Dainese/Shoei/Arai wise? Where did you get the GTAM t-shirt? I would like to purchase one as well? How much was it also? Could you post a picture of it if possible? Thanks.
There wasn't a lot of gear to try-on? I'm looking to try on some Dainese/Shoei/Arai gear on Saturday.

Lots of dainese gear in the riders choice and GP bikes booths.
Many vendors had arai.
GP and Speedworx had some good deals on Shoei, but selection on graphics and sizes was limited.
No one had any good boots I was looking for for track use.

As always, GP has the biggest vendor space and had tons of stuff to try on from Alpinestars, Dainese, Icon etc...
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Did you see a lot of gear to try-on though? Dainese/Shoei/Arai wise? Where did you get the GTAM t-shirt? I would like to purchase one as well? How much was it also? Could you post a picture of it if possible? Thanks.

Yes lots of gear to try on. I didn't focus on it as all I needed was a helmet and screen.

GTAM has a booth and I bought the t-shirt there as they couldn't find a long sleeve. Shirt was $15.
will post when I get home.

if anyone is going today I would be grateful for a transition shield from GP as its a good price and I can't go rest of weekend. In Mississauga and I'll pay you back ASAP. just PM me. Should be around $90 plus tax.
...Why the hell were there 3 east europe meat vendors?

Perhaps they thought the Bike Show was going to be a Sausage Fest?

I had a good time, first time there, i tried to find joe biggie bass, but if his avatar is any indication there were about a dozen guys who looked like him..

Tried to sit on the 650 dual sports...found the KLR to be the best(most comfy) the other two had very narrow and uncomfortable seats.

Also i fell in love with triumphs. (Dat thruxton)
I'll be there today @bigpoppa.
And there's only one Joe Bass ?

Sent from the Purple Zone
I have always wondered why the big Toronto shows are in the winter? it doesn't make sense to me lol In Europe, Most of the big ones are in the summer (or not in the dead of winter) and its a big day out, everybody rides their bikes. I cant see many people riding there in -17 this weekend. Some times the parking lot has nicer bikes that inside the venue

Try and create interest in having a show during the summer when everyone is out riding.

It quiet now. No traffic in the showrooms. Folks poking around the internet jonesing for a ride. Excellent time to walk around for some eye candy during the winter blahs.

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I just got back. I renewed my SOAR license, I placed an order for 3 sets of slicks for my track bike and 1 set of DOT tires for one of my street bikes. As usual, I can't make it 50 feet without seeing a familiar face, so it takes a while to get around.
Great time with my kids and grandkids.
Had a good time as always. Picked up some tshirts. Bought some raffle tickets to support some causes and try to win an HD. Mostly my kid had a great time sitting on all the bikes and other vehicles.

Sent from the Purple Zone
I just dropped a kings ransom on a new Dainese race suit. At least I got to try on lots of options before I pulled the trigger.
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