Insurnace Trick or Fraud?

If I were you, I would drive even without a fake slip. Cop pulls you over spit on his shoe and gun it. All my friends do it. Yolo
If I were you, I would drive even without a fake slip. Cop pulls you over spit on his shoe and gun it. All my friends do it. Yolo

This would also be my best advice. Then like the guy in the burbs in the fall, (who tried to flee from police), we can read about it the next day when they turn onto a dead end street blocked with concrete barriers and die instantly. All of which occurred in less than 3 km and took all of about 2 minutes from being lit up by cops till dead.
Although not to discount the issue, I think the number of people driving without insurance is statistically probably quite low. Perhaps higher in the MC crowd but that's another story.

Indeed. I should have been more specific: These blitzes would be aimed specifically at motorcycles.

If the police are going to do blitzes I would much rather they focus their efforts on clueless idiots who can't drive, or aggressive & dangerous drivers with a flagrant disregard for the law – I suspect along with targeting those sorts, catching people without insurance will come as part of the process.

Oh, me too. I'd much rather they were out amongst traffic seeing the stupid stuff people do all the time rather than hiding behind shrubs and trees trying to nab only those exceeding an arbitrarily-set speed limit.

Specific blitzes or not, they'd have to increase their "networking" to be able to punch in a policy number off a pink-slip and have the system tell them it's valid or not.
Indeed. I should have been more specific: These blitzes would be aimed specifically at motorcycles.

With responses like oppoe's above, a targeted paperwork check in the SS crowd would probably have the ambulances and hospitals overwhelmed in short order.

Think of the children. :rolleyes:
Cops can verify on the spot if your insurance is real.
They will also call in to the ins. co.

I am all for risk taking but this is just beyond dumb.
Ask him to consider tracking it for now.

Also, the Cops KNOW that at least 50% of riders on ss have no insurance.
They ride too, have family and friends that ride. They KNOW.
Given the insurance situation in Ontario right now it wouldn't surprise me if police soon had blitzes the main point of which was to check the validity of one's registration and insurance paperwork.

Assuming they can quickly check electronically....I could see them setting up a checkpoint at things like Dover and L&L.

And to be honest they should...I also agree the focus should be more on people committing fraud or driving erratically, vs someone going 10-20 over in a straight line with no or next to no traffic around them.
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This would also be my best advice. Then like the guy in the burbs in the fall, (who tried to flee from police), we can read about it the next day when they turn onto a dead end street blocked with concrete barriers and die instantly. All of which occurred in less than 3 km and took all of about 2 minutes from being lit up by cops till dead.

But it worked, didn't it? He didn't have to face any tickets or fines, or worse, that 7-day bike and license impound. Winner!
With responses like oppoe's above, a targeted paperwork check in the SS crowd would probably have the ambulances and hospitals overwhelmed in short order.

Think of the children. :rolleyes:

Either way, problem on its way to being solved, by court process, immobilization, or Darwinian thinning of the herd.
With responses like oppoe's above, a targeted paperwork check in the SS crowd would probably have the ambulances and hospitals overwhelmed in short order.

Think of the children. :rolleyes:

I can't even imagine someone riding an SS without insurance stopping at a checkpoint or pulling over.

If the person is stupid enough to ride without/fake insurance given the penalties, the person would be stupid enough to run the moment they get lit up.

That being said, most that ride an SS without insurance likely just started riding and have little to no experience other than going fast in a straight line, which is where your statement comes in. Or... "I used to ride dirt bikes".
Cops CAN and WILL call insurance to verify if the policy is in place. They usually dont, but they can. When I was 16 years old zooming around in an old clunker, I had cops calling to verify my insurance because they were suspicious.

Also, I have a friend in the insurance industry who tells me he receives these "insurance verification" calls at least once a day. With mc insurance rates skyrocketing this year, I think many cops will be double checking the insurance slips.
Either way, problem on its way to being solved, by court process, immobilization, or Darwinian thinning of the herd.

Too bad the rest of us get screwed on two fronts because of it:

- Taxpayers pay for the hospital, short term (broken bones) or long term (vegetable).
- Our insurance goes up even more. That little "uninsured motorist" coverage we all pay for.
One no-insurance bust will satisfy their quota, whoops 'performance target', then they can relax for the rest of the month.
Assuming they can quickly check electronically....I could see them setting up a checkpoint at things like Dover and L&L.

And to be honest they should...I also agree the focus should be more on people committing fraud or driving erratically, vs someone going 10-20 over in a straight line with no or next to no traffic around them.

they do...
$300 for a fake piece of a paper. This friend is not too bright!

For that much you could buy a used colour laser printer and print a bunch off for all your friends while you're at it. Recoup the cost of the laser printer in no time spitting out pinks for anyone and everyone. We can all ride for free, nothing could possibly ever happen, screw the man.


OP, please show this entire thread to your friend. I have a suspicion he won't take any of the knowledge or advice here to heart anyways, but when he gets caught (or worse) he won't be able to say "I didn't know!".
Jaw-dropping at a whole new epic level. Just wow - at both OP and his friend.
if caught, enjoying trying to find insurance after a payment plan has been setup to pay those fines.
The kind of person that buys a fake insurance slip is the same kind that doesn't stop for police. He wasted $300

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Never been asked for proof of ins. when renewing the sticker. There is a spot on the form for it though. If it's filled out, I don't think they care. Used to get the sticker on a new bike ages ago and put "Rider" on that in Insurance rider policy.

Ditto. I fill in the insurance company name, policy number and mileage. Wasn't asked for proof.

Re the OP, this is premeditated not an "Oops I forgot to renew." Enjoy facility rates when caught.

Your friend is a scumball that forces everyone else on the road to pay for "Uninsured motorist coverage".
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