insurance wants receipts of repair bill

I had an accident a few years ago that cosmetically wrote the bike off. They paid out the full value less the salvage amount. I bought the bike off of them. The bike hadn't been branded at all.
The bike had been written off, but it only took $900 in parts to fix it up to a point where a cursury inspection couldn't tell it had been in an accident.
Some of the reason it was written off was because the guys the insurance company sent to inspect the bike did things like specify that I needed a new gas tank ($600). The only damage to my tank was a corner of the decal of the letter K in Kawasaki had been scratched off. I took a black marker to the K and you couldn't tell there was anything wrong with it. What a scam. No wonder our insurance costs are so high.

My insurance required invoices or photos of the repaired bike in order for them to insure it again. I provided photos of the new fairing and fender and my fix of the gas tank. I also included photos of all the stock stuff that wasn't on the bike at the time of the accident. I still had my unscratched stock muffler, bar end and crashbars.
A month after I got the bike on the road they cancelled my collision because they said that they couldn't pay out on a bike that had already been paid out on.
Hope that helps.
i do work as a claims adjuster with that being said " yes " you do need to provide receipts as for the insurance company has to show prof to the underwriters that "Yes" infact what was paid cash value was fixed ...
i do work as a claims adjuster with that being said " yes " you do need to provide receipts as for the insurance company has to show prof to the underwriters that "Yes" infact what was paid cash value was fixed ...

So my insurance paid me out over a month ago and I have been riding it ever since, I have done most of the repairs minus the gas tank and exhaust.
They have never asked for any receipts? when do they usually ask for receipts?
99.9% of the time the work has been done by a shop, who submit their bills to the insurer.
thats not true at all, I own a bodyshop and have NEVER in 4 years of doing insurance work have EVER had to do that.
all the insurance comp needs is the total. thats all, nothing more.
thats not true at all, I own a bodyshop and have NEVER in 4 years of doing insurance work have EVER had to do that.
all the insurance comp needs is the total. thats all, nothing more.

Pre-authorized service after doing the initial quote? On cars? Under contract?
Weird, they usually only pay out ones you have receipts.
I didn't read every post but forgive me if my point has already been made.

Several years ago I incurred damage to my house caused by pesky raccoons. The insurance company sent their contractor to assess the work and cost to repair. I felt that the estimate was way out of whack and asked the adjuster if I could call a competitive company to quote. He told me to go ahead and I did just that. The competitive company was 1/4 the cost so I called the adjuster and advised. He said they had to pay out the cost given to them by their contractor but I could do what I chose and they would not cover any costs that may be associated with the repairs done by my contractor if a failure occurred. They cut me a cheque for the full amount and I paid my contractor the cost quoted. I banked the difference but felt ****** about it. 10 years later no problems either way - I played by their rules and came out ahead.
thats not true at all, I own a bodyshop and have NEVER in 4 years of doing insurance work have EVER had to do that.
all the insurance comp needs is the total. thats all, nothing more.

Adjuster arives at the shop.
does the quote
i do the work
sumit bill (fax)
cheque in mail

That is the receipt that they want. I presume your invoice is itemized, but even if it isn't, the work estimate should have covered everything that was going to be done.

I imagine if a person just goes about getting it fixed on their own (and not through a shop), insurance wants all the receipts for the different parts so that they have proof that the work was done.
I doubt the insurance company will want any excess $ back. All they are probably trying to do is ensure they don't pay to have the same items repaired/fixed a second time when they weren't fixed the first time. Years back I had someone run into me and put a scuff on my rear bumper. Rather than get it fixed (I didn't care about the scuff) my insurance company agreed to pay me the $ but made a note on my file that the rear bumper was scuffed and that would affect the dollar value of a future claim if it related to damage on the rear bumper.

I do find it odd that the insurance company wants receipts after the fact. Was the cheque made out to you? Or to you and a repair shop? If it was to you and repair shop and they saw it was deposited into your bank account that could be why they are asking now. Good luck.
thats not true at all, I own a bodyshop and have NEVER in 4 years of doing insurance work have EVER had to do that.
all the insurance comp needs is the total. thats all, nothing more
. lets get this straight....You just call the insurance company and say please pay me $5000.00 i just fixed a car??????? i they just send you a cheque for $5000.00 ????
When I just dealt with them they told me if it gets done at a repair shop they pay the shop directly and if I want a cash payout I can take the cheque and repair the bike myself and show them the repairs and they will check them off the quote and any repairs that aren't done won't get paid for in any future damage.
That is the receipt that they want. I presume your invoice is itemized, but even if it isn't, the work estimate should have covered everything that was going to be done.

I imagine if a person just goes about getting it fixed on their own (and not through a shop), insurance wants all the receipts for the different parts so that they have proof that the work was done.
ahhh got ya. i thought we were talking about receipts for all parts ordered. ............... continue on ! my bad!
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