Insurance over winter

The amount you pay per month and the amount they charge per month are not necessarily the same. See Vifferfuns post linked above. In the past, this led to uncomfortable situations where someone would buy a bike in June, sell it is August and get ****** when the insurance company would send them a big bill as they had used 60% of the yearly premium and paid 25% of the yearly premium. I think TD moved to six month payments now starting in January so it would be very rare for someones use to be ahead of what they had already paid. They don't show you the monthly charge in your policy docs as for the majority of clients that keep policies all year, the monthly breakdowns are immaterial. They only matter if you are changing bikes throughout the year.

Yes...when TD did that I wondered if my account had been hacked for a while. Was used to the few months of larger payments over the Summer.
There is no off season / reduce rate for a few months insurance. You just pay the whole year. Insurance conpanies win again....
Yeah that's what I was told by my insurance company, the discount to change it to fire/theft is only $10/month less.

Okay can someone answer this scenario; I go out riding while it's snowing (I've done that before with my old dual-sport Yamaha) and I take a wipe out and damage a car. Will these sneaky insurance companies try to pull a fast one on me and deny my claim because I was riding in a snowstorm?

What will the police do? Can they try to charge me with reckless driving for simply riding in the snow? They charge people with reckless driving for sliding unwillingly on top of sidewalks when the roads are icy so I'm wondering if they would try something like that while in a motorcycle accident on a snowy day.
Yeah that's what I was told by my insurance company, the discount to change it to fire/theft is only $10/month less.

Okay can someone answer this scenario; I go out riding while it's snowing (I've done that before with my old dual-sport Yamaha) and I take a wipe out and damage a car. Will these sneaky insurance companies try to pull a fast one on me and deny my claim because I was riding in a snowstorm?

What will the police do? Can they try to charge me with reckless driving for simply riding in the snow? They charge people with reckless driving for sliding unwillingly on top of sidewalks when the roads are icy so I'm wondering if they would try something like that while in a motorcycle accident on a snowy day.
I don't see them denying your claim, its a single vehicle accident and they're happy to take your money with a rate increase...might get cancelled down the road though.

Police could charge you with careless, sure. Not for riding in the snow, but for not maintaining control of your vehicle.
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