Insurance for young rider

There is no way to get cheap ins at 18 with no driving/ins history.

Get it put on your parents ins like everyone does

That's insurance fraud.
You can rabble on all about how much coverage you can get in Ontario (I'm guessing that's what you meant by "Ontario has the richest insurance policy in Canada"), but I wouldn't call $200k liability only much coverage at all for $3767 a year (on a Ninja 250 for a new rider with a clean record). I could get more coverage for much less money in any of the provinces with public auto insurance.

It is a matter of being government vs. private at this point, because insurance companies here have stepped way out of line.

No -- it's a matter of understanding the vastly different claim environments and some basic probability.
JonatanDan, insurance is expensive for all 18 year olds, especially those with no history. Unless you have access to easy money, it really doesn't make financial sense for a student to buy and insure a motorcycle. If you absolutely need transportation, a car is much more practical. I would think that you would be paying in the neighbourhood of $2000 for a Ninja 250 with a company like Jevco.
Nofear is just QQing cause he probably still doesn't understand that insurance doesn't JUST cover his bike or damage to other vehicles.

Maybe you should have read this in my thread:

Are you seriously that thick? I knew before the thread even started that insurance companies are more worried about legal and medical expenses, my quote doesn't even include collision damage, only liability. I was only using the price of the bike as a gauge on how unbelievably expensive my quote was. Like I said earlier in the thread, the generation that is insuring me now didn't have to deal with any of this bull**** when they were even 16. They went out, got a licence, a bike, and were riding affordably the next day.

Now they are allowed to profile youths, and give you outrageous and unaffordable rates based on sexist and stereotypical ideologies. Contrary to their beliefs, I'm probably a hell of a lot more responsible on the road then most of the 20-somethings on this forum riding 600s.

In my safety course I took last year there were about 15 people ranging from 22-50 years old and practically all of them already owned bikes and had riding experience, I was 18 (the youngest there) and had never even sat on a bike before. The final test came around for our m2, it was pouring rain and I was the only one there who passed every test 100% with no faults at all. Even the older people with riding experience were dropping bikes, making mistakes, and having close calls.

I'm not saying I'm a great rider or anything (because I'm not yet), but I was better than the other new riders in my safety course who were going to go ride their 600cc 'starter bikes' on the street the next day. And who gets stuck with the unaffordable insurance rate because I'm not experienced or 'mature' enough to ride a 250? Compared to them? Ahh, f*ck this world :rolleyes:

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No Fear, would you be able to shed some light on the actual cost of a bike, licence and the insurance cost during these generic times, maybe even throw in the rate of inflation from then until now. Also the "generation" that is insuring you may not be so off from your own age. We are not all in our 40s,50s, 60s in the insurance industry.

Maybe you should have read this in my thread:

Are you seriously that thick? I knew before the thread even started that insurance companies are more worried about legal and medical expenses, my quote doesn't even include collision damage, only liability. I was only using the price of the bike as a gauge on how unbelievably expensive my quote was. Like I said earlier in the thread, the generation that is insuring me now didn't have to deal with any of this bull**** when they were even 16. They went out, got a licence, a bike, and were riding affordably the next day.

Now they are allowed to profile youths, and give you outrageous and unaffordable rates based on sexist and stereotypical ideologies. Contrary to their beliefs, I'm probably a hell of a lot more responsible on the road then most of the 20-somethings on this forum riding 600s.

In my safety course I took last year there were about 15 people ranging from 22-50 years old and practically all of them already owned bikes and had riding experience, I was 18 (the youngest there) and had never even sat on a bike before. The final test came around for our m2, it was pouring rain and I was the only one there who passed every test 100% with no faults at all. Even the older people with riding experience were dropping bikes, making mistakes, and having close calls.

I'm not saying I'm a great rider or anything (because I'm not yet), but I was better than the other new riders in my safety course who were going to go ride their 600cc 'starter bikes' on the street the next day. And who gets stuck with the unaffordable insurance rate because I'm not experienced or 'mature' enough to ride a 250? Compared to them? Ahh, f*ck this world


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Double face palm indeed. Dude, go read a book or do your research.. Maybe then you'll know why people are laughing at you.

Do you know Collision coverage and Liability coverage is?
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