Insurance Broker - Here to learn, not to sell!!

Welcome, seeing as how a large percentage of posts seem to be asking about insurance related issues I think you could be an asset to the forum.
I'm not just here to just learn about bikes, I am here to try and answer any questions in the insurance forum that I can as an insurance broker, of course I'm going to tell people I'm an insurance broker when doing so.

I've read the insurance thread before signing up and have seen lots of people who are fed up with not being able to find good answers to their insurance questions and not being able to find anyone to help them with tough situations. After seeing the reaction to my introduction post, I can totally understand why insurance brokers aren't jumping at the chance to help.

Me wanting to learn about bikes is genuine. I may be able to list coverage and explain bikes in terms of insurance, but I also have many questions as somebody who wants to get his M1, do the weekend safety course and find a beginner bike that is good for somebody with back problems (hockey injury).

I knew being an in insurance broker would bring a negative responsive as I belong to three other forums (not insurance related, hockey related) and I've seen how untrustworthy people are of anyone who may have an ulterior motive (which is sometimes justified). That is why I went out of my way to make it clear why I'm signing up and who I am.

I said who I was in the "Introduce yourself" forum because I was...... INTRODUCING MYSELF!! ;)

Don't worry I bust everyones balls... haha :D

Welcome to the forums!

I appreciate your being straight up. I think you'll be a good asset.

Just remember, "It puts the lotion on the skin, or else it gets the hose again."
(I only added that for the sake of the previous reference. Ok, Clarice?
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