
I've been waiting for over 3 years - they can't seem to get their act together to put on any clinics ?
Bummer I was hoping it was a matter of weeks not years. Oy
Training can't hurt. It's also applicable to any accident where people are injured and awaiting EMS.

There are some accidents where extreme trauma means survival is not possible. Other, less severe, accidents might involve cardiac, airway, life threatening bleeding issues, etc...... This is where first aid training and the proper supplies on hand could made the difference between someone surviving or not.
Pretty sure I signed up with Bikerdown and they were in the process of getting some clinics organized but Covid came along.
I was skeptical with the high rate of motorcycle accidents a rider somehow be involved in stated by Bikerdown but later found myself on scene of a motorcycle accident.

Driver needs to be educated as well. G1 G2 G process, motorcycle awareness are hardly mentioned. But that cost money.
Ontario HTA "education" is enforced through fines, suspension and impound (money maker)

Who are actually getting hurt or killed? Is it the squid doing wheelies down the 401 with no plates breaking all the HTA rules or is it the middle aged man with his wife on the back with no gear and half a helmet doing everything legally.
Who are actually getting hurt or killed? Is it the squid doing wheelies down the 401 with no plates breaking all the HTA rules or is it the middle aged man with his wife on the back with no gear and half a helmet doing everything legally.
When they're lying on the road in deep sh*t it doesn't really matter, does it ?
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