44 percent of the trip spent super slabbing seems wrong to me
You gota pay to play =)
44 percent of the trip spent super slabbing seems wrong to me
1. fly to LA
2. rent a 600 from these guys:
3, ride for 7 days on the best motorcycling roads in the world
4. fly back to onterrible
5. open a beer and contemplate how utterly crappy the roads are here
Not as much a matter of where, but what do you want to do and or see?
I had some things I wanted to do, and ended up working it all out and had 9 days.
1. fly to LA
2. rent a 600 from these guys:
3, ride for 7 days on the best motorcycling roads in the world
4. fly back to onterrible
5. open a beer and contemplate how utterly crappy the roads are here