If Motorcycles Were Women


It's all about personal preference.
This confirms my decision.
My next bike is gonna be an Adventure bike

Thanks for the laugh
Inline four

Notice the height
Aside from the fact all she has now are silicon implants.
Why does everybody hate Ducatis, big bore kits and silicone? What about Angelina Jolie? She's a nutbar. Let's keep our eyes on the ball here.
What's with all the hate on the Ducati's........... ahhh that's what it was, jealousy. Ok, got it now.



So you have a naked bike?
I didn't think so

If Motorcycles Were Women - someone please post a scooter then
Putting plastic bolt-ons is like putting imitation carbon fiber on a bike, its not the real think and would never give the real performance

What's with all the hate on the Ducati's........... ahhh that's what it was, jealousy. Ok, got it now.

Its not jealousy, if I don't like fat chicks doesn't mean I'm jealous. Its just personal preference, get over it.
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