ice fishing with bike |

ice fishing with bike


Well-known member
Hi I was thinking about taking my ninja 250 onto the ice to get me around more efficiently. I'm not really worried about going through because snowmobiles stay up just fine. I'm only concerned about dropping the bike or damaging it with snow. Does anyone have an experience with this or know things I should look out for?

I also though about putting on a sidecar but apparently my bike wouldn't have the torque to haul one plus its not simple to install.

If I were to go out onto the lake, my plan is to take off the side fairings to give it some room at the bottom, and ride slowly and in straight lines with both feet hanging out to catch myself. I probably won't go out if its pure ice on the surface but if there were snow on top I think it would be like riding on sand?

Anyone want to weigh in? Should I film it?

Just when things were starting to get dull and repetitive here...
Film it so we can all see what not to do on lakes this winter season.
Where is there a frozen lake? You might have a better chance on a jetski right now.
If you were serious and the conditions were good I would grab a cheap pair of used tires and stud the hell out of them.
It would be fun as hell if your not worried about dropping it, you also wouldn't have to worry about salt :D

The ice on the areas I plan to go to are around 8-14 inches thick black ice. It can hold up trucks just fine, other than falling or damaging my bike by clogging it with snow and slush my other concern is being stuck. But I've ridden scooters on beaches with lots of sand so I was thinking maybe that experience can transfer over? I've seen a few dirt bikes ride around the shore lines this winter at high speeds but they probably have screws in their tires

The ice on the areas I plan to go to are around 8-14 inches thick black ice. It can hold up trucks just fine, other than falling or damaging my bike by clogging it with snow and slush my other concern is being stuck. But I've ridden scooters on beaches with lots of sand so I was thinking maybe that experience can transfer over? I've seen a few dirt bikes ride around the shore lines this winter at high speeds but they probably have screws in their tires


like dry wall screws???
yeah probably are dry wall screws. I spoke to one of them and they basically just screwed them in between the inner tubing and inflate fully to hold them in. The problem is that I'm an hour away from any lake so I wouldn't be able to get there with the screws on.

If I do it, I will take up your offer on the go pro as I don't have any filming equipment other than my cell.
I guess I would start the film off by introducing myself followed by "and this is my jackass"

yeah probably are dry wall screws. I spoke to one of them and they basically just screwed them in between the inner tubing and inflate fully to hold them in. The problem is that I'm an hour away from any lake so I wouldn't be able to get there with the screws on.

If I do it, I will take up your offer on the go pro as I don't have any filming equipment other than my cell.
I guess I would start the film off by introducing myself followed by "and this is my jackass"


Just wow!!! I can't wait to hear how this turns out.
yeah probably are dry wall screws. I spoke to one of them and they basically just screwed them in between the inner tubing and inflate fully to hold them in. The problem is that I'm an hour away from any lake so I wouldn't be able to get there with the screws on.

If I do it, I will take up your offer on the go pro as I don't have any filming equipment other than my cell.
I guess I would start the film off by introducing myself followed by "and this is my jackass"


icc..... i think you should keep all loose screws you have left....
Hi I was thinking about taking my ninja 250 onto the ice to get me around more efficiently. I'm not really worried about going through because snowmobiles stay up just fine. I'm only concerned about dropping the bike or damaging it with snow. Does anyone have an experience with this or know things I should look out for?

I also though about putting on a sidecar but apparently my bike wouldn't have the torque to haul one plus its not simple to install.

If I were to go out onto the lake, my plan is to take off the side fairings to give it some room at the bottom, and ride slowly and in straight lines with both feet hanging out to catch myself. I probably won't go out if its pure ice on the surface but if there were snow on top I think it would be like riding on sand?

Anyone want to weigh in? Should I film it?

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Seriously though, i've done this before - the only equipment you need is a camera (doesnt matter which kind, just make sure the picture quality is good) to film it all - and have Doug (brother of Bob (McKenzie) - for those that dont know) to film the entire thing - from entrance onto lake to afterwards.
If you need more help with it, I know a guy who lives around there, named Red Green. He has lots of experience to help you out.

Seriously though, i've done this before - the only equipment you need is a camera (doesnt matter which kind, just make sure the picture quality is good) to film it all - and have Doug (brother of Bob (McKenzie) - for those that dont know) to film the entire thing - from entrance onto lake to afterwards.
If you need more help with it, I know a guy who lives around there, named Red Green. He has lots of experience to help you out.

duck tape and all...
icc..... i think you should keep all loose screws you have left....

what about this is so insane to you? This is not even remotely life threatening (to myself or others). Worst case scenario is minor injuries and minor damages.
You're making it seems as if I was trying to jump a gorge with a skateboard.

During the summer I take my ninja fishing all the time, a lot of the times I get into spots cars normally can't get into/park at. Fishing rods sticking out of my backpack and everything. Have a lot of friendly people come up to chat when they see the rod + bike combo.


I just want to try it during the winter.
Its a perfect year to try it out. The roads are clear and the lake is frozen. I would never consider this any other winter
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life threatening, def not

but you have a 100% chance of dropping that bike (probably more than once) with those dinky 250 tires, which will be frozen stiff. And probably getting stuck. PS how are you planning on carrying all your ice fishing gear?

Anyways, when you film it, this has to be the theme music to your video.....

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