The property damage part went well, they offered a fair settlement and took very little back and forth to finalize. It was the other part of it, after a few minutes on a phone with the adjuster I excused myself and advised him my lawyer would contact him. Did not give me the impression he had my best interest in mind, to put it gently.Glad you're relatively ok.
Be sure to consult with a lawyer, even though insurance is playing ball they will want to give you the lowest sum possible to walk away.
Thanks for the advice. You're right, I realize they are almost as good a friend as the insurance adjuster you homework with the lawyer. Make your sure you know exactly what you agree regarding payment. They will try to double dip, triple dip, come up with more fee later. They are lawyers after all.
Luckily I do have good friends in the legal system, and didn't have to do much. I had my own legal pitbull source him out and work that out. I'm content with the arrangement.