I was faced with a dangerous riding scenario this morning. | GTAMotorcycle.com

I was faced with a dangerous riding scenario this morning.


Well-known member
So I decided to ride early this morning due to less traffic on the roads. I approached an intersection trying to turn right. There was a large tractor trailor trying to make a right turn before me. He was stopped at lights ( we can only turn right on a green light at that intersection). I left a decent amount of space behind him. A BMW stopped behind me waiting to turn right as well. I'm now sandwiched between the large tractor trailer and that BMW

The stage is now set for what comes next...

To my horror, the large tractor trailer. starts BACKING UP!! I completely freeze... I've NEVER encountered this crap before.... He keeps backing that thing up and I decide to duck walk the bike back as well purely out of instinct... Keep in mind , I'm in 1st gear... so I hate to think what would have happened if I had stalled...The Bimmer gets whats going on and gives me space... I realize I'm not able to walk the bike back fast enough. Buddy ahead has NO IDEA a motorcycle is behind him! I was in proper lane blocking position but I suppose due to his massive truck size, he did not see my bike in his mirror. At one point I was like wtf should I do?? dump the bike?? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DUMP THE BIKE...I'M F$%$%D !!

Luckily he stops reversing inches away from me... I take the opportunity to quickly come about and he realizes his mistake... Waves me an appology. Light turns green and I take off before him...

Any ideas of how could I have managed this situation better, rather than panicking? This could have been a lot worse if the Bimmer had no room to back up. I'm still getting used to riding an SS but I don't know if this is related.. I've been riding for 3 years..although weekends only...

Wasn't a good weekend, as returning home on the 400, a guy just came right into my lane , not knowing I was there... pretty sketchy stuff today.
Give trucks lots of space, make sure they can see you in their mirrors. Others behind the truck won't be able to see you either, and may assume you're not there.
Also. I don't think I would get up behind him if I couldn't see him in his mirrors
Always stop to the left of your lane such that the truck can see you in his left mirror. If he doesn't see you and he starts backing up, go around him after checking the next lane. Go right in front of him, don't stay at his side. You can take off a lot faster than he can. He should not have been backing up like that obviously, but there might have been a reason.
+1 for all the tips to stop well back of large vehicles and make sure they can see you in their mirrors. Positioning is all about putting yourself where you're most out of harm's way, which includes where you're most visible. Glad you walked away from this unscathed, hope you're having a stiff drink tonight!
You always need an exit plan. I would have stopped 15’ behind the truck in the left track. If he started backing up I’d slide left to where he could see you and you could slip left of him.

This is a unique situation, rare for a truck to backup. More common is needing to avoid someone from the rear. You would use the same am exit plan.
What's more typical is for the truck to move to the left lane to make a right turn.
Sometimes people in a hurry, believe that they can simply cut inside the truck on the right.
As the truck rounds the corner and forces them onto the sidewalk or crunches them, they figure out that they were wrong in that belief.
I always try to have an "escape" or "exit" plan whether I am in the middle of riding or sitting in traffic/intersection.
So basically things i do 1. have escape plan 2. be visible 3. let others know my intentions 4. beware of the traffic behind you
I am pretty good with 1&2 but 3&4 needs work.
anyhow good to hear you didn't hit
It’s mentioned a couple times already but very important if you can’t see them in their mirrors they can’t see you. This goes for anyone pulling a trailer not just transport trucks, don’t get to tight to them there is usually a pretty big blind spot behind the trailer.
I always try to have an "escape" or "exit" plan whether I am in the middle of riding or sitting in traffic/intersection.
So basically things i do 1. have escape plan 2. be visible 3. let others know my intentions 4. beware of the traffic behind you
I am pretty good with 1&2 but 3&4 needs work.
anyhow good to hear you didn't hit

3 and 4 are based on the others around you giving a damn. They usually don't.
+1 on the horn but as @nobbie48 alluded to, I was in my car a few years ago when a truck in front of me had it in neutral and his foot off the brake and the truck started rolling backwards. I laid on the horn but don't think he heard me as it kept coming back. I was in the process of taking my seat belt off to head his way and try and get his attention when he finally stopped.

I was far enough back that it wasn't as close as the OP but still, yeah stay behind as the quality of truck drivers (drivers in general) has gone to sh##.
Had a car do that before....they couldn't hear the horn either. Obviously they didn't look in their mirrors either it seems.

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