I reconstructed a bike theft from video cameras, if you want to see thieves in action


Active member
I've been riding for 10 years, always lived in Toronto, and I've lived in this building for 5 years. My bike has finally been stolen. I never owned overly expensive bikes, so I thought that's why it's never happened to me. I live in a condo, and there are many cameras (except one right at my bike!) but I have the thieves' cars on video, including one of the guys facing a camera. You can see the video here:


There are so many interesting take-aways here:
-I didn't know one could steal a bike with a Ford Edge
-People see a Ford Edge with covered up plates and a motorcycle wheel hanging out of the back of it, and don't think anything of it.
-Watch out for Nissan Versa/Ford Edge combo - assuming they will be doing this again.
-There were at least 3 people that were in the garage at the same time, on the same floor. not one did anything about it.

Here is the sequence of events. The various cameras around the building are on two different circuits, and the time is off by about 2 minutes between them:

10:37 Shady guy walks up to garage ramp ramp and waits for someone to follow into building
10:44 Shady Guy leaves ramp to walk towards front door
10:45 Shady guy enters building follwing a Pizza delivery guy (Thanks Pizza Pizza, it's your fault my bike is gone)
10:46 Lets pizza guy go upstairs, then takes elevator to basement
Spends over 20 minutes in basement, not on any camera. Presumably scoping out garage / calling in others
11:09 Nissan Versa (presumed watch team) pulls into parking lot
11:10 Edge drives into parking lot
11:14 Edge follows a Corolla into parking lot, shady guy can be seen in the garage
11:15 Corolla parks 2 spots over from where the bike is normally parked - must have seen the Ford Edge / shady guy
11:16 Rav4 drives into garage while Edge and shady guy are in the garage, they park at the other end, so would not likely see much, perhaps a glance as my bike is right near the entrance
11:24 The guy who sits around in the garage (he lives in the building, but always sits in his car for some reason) goes to see what's happening, as the Edge leaves garage with my bike in the back (can see rear hatch open. He was sitting in his car in the garage the entire time, as he would have triggered a camera had he walked around. He is known around the building to sit in his car, I don't think he's harmful.
11:24 Edge Leaves garage, followed by Versa - can clearly see wheel of my bike hanging out of hatch
A police car(actually, I think it's an ambulance) goes in same direction as Edge with my bike, flashing lights on. probably missed the bike

I thought you guys would find this interesting. Or perhaps know these clowns?
Nice composition. Thieves can burn in hell!
Great work on the video. Sorry to hear about your bike. Can't see the plates in the video which sucks. Hope these aholes get caught and get the death penalty!
Sorry to hear about the theft. I didn't know anything but Super Sports got stolen.

Great job with the vid though.

What area of North York do you live?
I know how it feels to have a bike stolen. Sorry to hear, dood.

Nice work on piecing it together. Surprised how long it took for all of this to happen...and to stuff a bike in the back of a car.
Good vid. Thanks for putting it together. It was nice of building security to give you the footage. Most seem more concerned with making it disappear and pretending things like this don't happen in their building.

Your blender review is also well done. You should post more videos.
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480p - for when you want to know you were robbed
720p - for when you want to see what they took
1080p - for when you want to be able to identify plates & faces.

Also, 99% chance that guy just smokes weed by his car.
480p - for when you want to know you were robbed
720p - for when you want to see what they took
1080p - for when you want to be able to identify plates & faces.

Also, 99% chance that guy just smokes weed by his car.

that, and maybe his wife is a nagging biotch
You would think that they would have the camera pointed towards the door when people enter the lobby by the buzzers, that way you get a clear shot of their faces as they enter the building.
You may want to use this to rally your building into better security. That single glass door was the only stop from him having full access
My condo had a car theft ring come in and take a dozen cars at one point.

I wouldn't have even known, except mine was one of the cars.
Honestly sometimes i think you condo dwellers would just be better off using reputable storage units to store your bikes....

Makes it inconvenient but its probably safer there, i've never heard of bike thieves stealing from there
You may want to use this to rally your building into better security. That single glass door was the only stop from him having full access

I don't know why more condos aren't using fob controlled elevators(as well as stairs leading away from exits). It's not that difficult to implement and can lock things down quite well. I know a few buildings do it, but most don't. If a condo owner had to come down to the lobby to get his pizza, he might have questioned sketchy guy (who couldn't have taken the elevator or stairs out of the lobby due to lack of fob). The level of laziness these days is amazing.
I don't know why more condos aren't using fob controlled elevators(as well as stairs leading away from exits). It's not that difficult to implement and can lock things down quite well. I know a few buildings do it, but most don't. If a condo owner had to come down to the lobby to get his pizza, he might have questioned sketchy guy (who couldn't have taken the elevator or stairs out of the lobby due to lack of fob). The level of laziness these days is amazing.

I would take this to the pizza pizza and show them that they employees are acting irresponsible and putting their own clients at risk. Just like a bad movie, pizza guy, garbage, or cleaning service is a easy target to gain entrance into any building. What if this was rape, and was traced back to them letting people into buildings. How many time a day do take out services let randoms in...

Door buzzer = your lazy and at risk.
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I still say get a decent storage unit, with close proximity to your condo/apartment
That sucks. I don't suppose there's a decent freeze frame of shady guy's face is there? You could post that up on Facebook and see what happens. Degrees of separation and all that plus no one likes a thief.
That sucks. I don't suppose there's a decent freeze frame of shady guy's face is there? You could post that up on Facebook and see what happens. Degrees of separation and all that plus no one likes a thief.

His name is "Blurry Face" and he does not care what you think. Hate how bad these cameras are
Very interesting to see the coordination, they were a bit better prepared than I would have expected. The transport vehicle was a bit odd though - if they had to strap the hatch shut for a dirtbike, what would they have done for a larger street bike? Or if the dirtbike was just a target of opportunity, what were they actually looking for?

Sorry to hear about the theft. I didn't know anything but Super Sports got stolen.

I was thinking about that but I guess dirtbikes would be super easy to flip
Great work on the video. Sorry to hear about your bike. Can't see the plates in the video which sucks. Hope these aholes get caught and get the death penalty!

These guys weren't completely stupid, I would figure it would be extremely likely the plates were stolen
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