I recommend Desjardins Insurance

Hey I just called Desjardins myself, I'm satisfied with their quote

23 male, no accidents/claims/no previous insurance history/no jail time, etc...
2011 M1 & M2
Motorcycle Safety Course

Suzuki GZ250 (marauder)
Living in Toronto: $1399 (liability only)
Living in North Bay: $1050 (liability & comprehensive)

Kawasaki Ninja 250
Living in Toronto: $1489 (liability only)
I just called Desjardins, they are not bad, to insure my 750cc sport-tourer bike. They wanted $839/year but I will stay with Intact because even though they raised my quote a whopping 15% this year, it's still $757 a year.

I curse the moment Duffy Ins. was taken over by Intact. 2 years ago I was paying only $570/year for my insurance, this is the 2nd time in 2 years they raised the price.

BTW I just got an awesome rate for my car with Desjardins though! $170/month and I'm currently paying a whopping $250 with Unifund! Yeeeehaww!
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It's because Desjardins has a new rider promo to acquire new riders.

My friend who has 0 experience/clean record (but sat on m2 for 1 full year) got quoted for 1040. On the other hand i got quoted for 1400 with 2 full seasons of riding experience/clean record and same bike...

Basically if you have 0 riding experience their system will drop you an amazing quote as they are trying to acquire more new riders!
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