I love my Honda 599. | GTAMotorcycle.com

I love my Honda 599.


Older than dirt.
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I was going to only write "that is all", but, no, this bike deserves more than that.

After selling my previous bike (GS500) due to loss of interest (and other factors like cost, lack of exercise, etc.) just over two years ago, I thought I was done with motorcycling for good. I didn't flinch when I saw another bike go by. I snickered (ok, almost scoffed) when Slim would guess at the make/model of a bike that he just saw. My motorcycling spirit had died.

Fast forward to a couple of months ago...Slim and I are in now in our second home together, work stresses are getting us down, and my lack of ANY sort of hobby was really starting to get to us. Too many hours of the day were spent sitting at a computer, and for me that meant both at work AND at home. I didn't feel motivated to do much of anything. One Sunday morning over our usual breakfast of bacon and eggs he began to poke and prod (no, not THAT kind) me to see what I might be interested in doing with myself in my spare time. A looooong time ago I used to play the drums and photography is still an interest of mine. I'll never be as good a drummer as Neil Peart, so I decided to grab my camera, get in the car, and head north. To my old stomping grounds North of Brampton.

Back in the day this is where I would go with my camera to search out decrepit, half-collapsed barns and abandoned farm houses. I loooooooved exploring and taking pictures of them. I even had one photo in a Kodak exhibit back in high school. Before I met Slim I would spend hours out on my bike, alone, roaming the countryside. It's one of my favourite places to be.

Anyway, so off I go in the car with my camera, heading North. Ten seconds into the open fields and sunshine...then I had my epiphany. I was smiling, happy to be "home" and THAT'S IT, I HAVE TO GET ANOTHER BIKE, GODDAMMIT!! I need to ride with Slim...he's been DYING to get another bike since we sold each of ours. I need to also ride with my dad, who has a Bandit 1200 and who has had NO ONE to ride with for two years (his buddy also sold his around the same time we did). Dad's had several heart surgeries and we need to ride together as much as we can. While we can. FTW, I'M GETTING ANOTHER BIKE!!!

A few pictures were taken that day, but I soon headed back home to tell Slim, who was quite happy to hear the news! We soon test-rode an SV650, which wasn't quite the right fit. I've always wanted a Honda 599 since I first saw them in 2004, so the search began. We came across (and bought) a 919 first, which was to be my bike, but soon after my dream came true and there appeared a matte black 599 on Kijiji that we also snagged. So, the 9er became Slim's bike and the 5 became mine, though it's nice to be able to swap at any time if we feel like it.

With a few tweaks the 599 fit me like a glove. She runs like a dream. Next spring she will get new rubber and then I'll be all set! Took her out for a solo ride yesterday and looooooved every second of it. It really sucks buying a bike in the fall, though. I didn't think it would be this tough to put her away already, but it REALLY SUCKS!! Is it March yet???!!!

That is all. :)

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I love the 599 too Jen. Welcome back by the way. Hope to see you on the road next year. It has been a long time.
Nice looking bike.

It is now approx 1 hour closer to March! Lol

I planned to winterize a bike today but went for a ride until the thought went away. It took 5 hours of riding until I was confident the idea was bannished from my mind (or it was too dark outside to properly clean it).
I really like that bike's nakedness and looks really nice in black.
Welcome back!
Very nice bike. Grats!
congrats on the bike! its beautifull.
this weekend was awesome weather for riding. got out satrurday and enjoyed every minute!
i dont want to winterize my bike yet. but they are calling for some snow on thursday..
Very cool bikes luv the looks of 919 and 599
I had a 919 years back, and it was such a solid bike. Amazing torque, power no matter where you were in the rpms. Never did ride the 599, but only heard good things, and the reputation is as solid as the 919.

If you dont have it already, the small little wind screen that honda sells for the bike actually makes a big difference at diflecting the wind away from your body. I was surprised how much of a difference it made


Small and doesn't take away from the naked look.

Congrats on the new ride, enjoy and keep the rubber side down!
Thanks very much - it's great to be back. I kind of don't want to get any windscreen because fighting the wind means I will at least get a little bit of exercise while riding hehehehe...

Here's a pic of the 9er...

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