Just an FYI for anyone who had COVID, getting the shot.
I caught the Vid in Jan from work, not the worst but wasn't a walk in the park. Thankfully, did not lose any smell or taste.
Got Phizered last Wed, nurse did mention most who had covid prior are more likely to get symptoms from their first dose (similar to most on their second).
Day of shot no issues, slightly sore arm. Second day, halfway through work day started to feel a little cold and achey, got progressively worse over time. Got home from work and just took a hot shower, ate dinner and slept early, sweat a ton in bed and woke up next morning perfectly fine.
Just an FYI for anyone who had COVID, getting the shot.
I caught the Vid in Jan from work, not the worst but wasn't a walk in the park. Thankfully, did not lose any smell or taste.
Got Phizered last Wed, nurse did mention most who had covid prior are more likely to get symptoms from their first dose (similar to most on their second).
Day of shot no issues, slightly sore arm. Second day, halfway through work day started to feel a little cold and achey, got progressively worse over time. Got home from work and just took a hot shower, ate dinner and slept early, sweat a ton in bed and woke up next morning perfectly fine.
What, that’s not what I wanted to hear.

Although my arm is burning a bit
There was a good quote today from a doctor on AZ blood clot carrying similar risk to being struck by lighting. I haven't checked the details of the comparison to see how accurate it is but it is memorable. How many people do you know that got struck by lighting? How many people do you know that have caught covid so far?
And as I recall you have a better chance of being struck by lighting twice then winning the lottery.
There was a good quote today from a doctor on AZ blood clot carrying similar risk to being struck by lighting. I haven't checked the details of the comparison to see how accurate it is but it is memorable. How many people do you know that got struck by lighting? How many people do you know that have caught covid so far?
While I agree with you...logic has no place within this space. I'm not the smartest person around, but I can figure out the risk and would like to think can think fairly critically...

From my personal friends/close acquaintances....I know about 10 total that had COVID 19.

Haven't met anyone struck by lightning yet...
Someone needs to do a correlation study between lottery ticket purchases and vaccine hesitancy.
Hey....I feel personally attacked!

I play the lotto once in a while. It's a small price to pay for a dream....'you can't win if you don't play'.

In my circle...one friend's dad $1M, she won $60k, and $14k in a 50/50 lottery. Luckiest girl I know.
Hey....I feel personally attacked!

I play the lotto once in a while. It's a small price to pay for a dream....'you can't win if you don't play'.

In my circle...one friend's dad $1M, she won $60k, and $14k in a 50/50 lottery. Luckiest girl I know.
I'll buy lottomax when it hits 50M. My odds of winning big prize are the same whether the prize is 5M or 50M, the extra 1M prizes increase my odds of a useful win and the ticket price is the same. I was more referring to dollars spent on lottery or people on lottery subscription than the occasional purchase.

Friends of my parent won Lottario in ~1987. Picked up family dirtbikes and bought a field across the road so they could control their view. A relative won as part of a work group. Company owner was part of the group and wanted to give his share of winnings to his church (~2M). Church would not accept the devil money so he sold the business to the other winners and donated the money from the sale of his business to the church.
Talked to a family friend today....early 50s, single, male, overweight, diabetic, pills pills pills...

‘did you get your shot?’
‘Nah I don’t want the AZ’
‘Wha? Why?’
‘Blood clots’
‘Uhmmm.....chance is pretty small bud. You’re taking a higher risk than getting it’
‘Nah man I’m good. I’ll just wait it out until the J&J is available so I don’t have to do 2 shots.’
‘Ok cool. Well thanks for that. Means I was able to get it sooner thanks to guys like you.’

Wouldn't the greater risk of blood clots be from 50's, overweight and diabetic?
I have no side affects, But crap my arm is sore like a SOB.
I'll buy lottomax when it hits 50M. My odds of winning big prize are the same whether the prize is 5M or 50M, the extra 1M prizes increase my odds of a useful win and the ticket price is the same.
More chances with the same odds. ;)
I have no side affects, But crap my arm is sore like a SOB.

I had the same thing. I toughed it out for a few days as I'd read that it's better to not take any pain meds / anti inflammatories for the first day or two while the vaccine gets established. Not sure if the science ever worked out one way or the other on that, but I figured I could manage that.

On the morning of day 3 it was hella sore. Took a Tylenol and an Ibuprofen and inside 2-3 hours it was perfect and that was that.
Wouldn't the greater risk of blood clots be from 50's, overweight and diabetic?
You’d figure yes. But same goes for a lot of people, they don’t feel they’re actually at risk of COVID because they’re being ‘careful’.

You can’t fight that type of emotion with logic. I’ve learned. I tell them ‘ok, you do you and I’ll do my thing.’

Too much energy to burn. If after a year they can’t see the risk....you won’t change their mind.
Tried to book an appointment, still not eligible:

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