I can't find a better title

In my mind this is gonna get corrected (to a degree) one way or another in my lifetime. I think it's pretty unlikely it's going to happen via co-operation or legislation.

I also think the USA is going to self-destruct (to a degree) in my lifetime. Maybe other powers will try to give it a little well-timed push over the edge, but they won't have to do much. When that happens, potentially much of this wealth could simply cease to exist. That said if Bezos had 95% of his wealth blink out of existence right now, arguably he would not experience any noticeable changes to his lifestyle, at all. He might have to cancel any plans he had for vacationing on the moon maybe. And maybe it will be strictly a problem for his estate, and natural causes take him out of the picture before he has to fire a single neuron thinking about it
There's a lot of red herrings in those comparisons. No one has defined what is fair and what to do with the underachievers. I believe in a living wage but as soon as that is defined someone finds a loophole.

Communism isn't the answer as it stagnates growth. In contradiction, excessive growth is part of the problem

Capitalism is dependent on lower classes having incomes to buy products but the race to the bigger yacht too often takes precedent.

Too many people use associations to make more than someone else doing the same job. The associaltion could be a political party, golf club, alumni or even a trade union where a floor sweeper makes twice what a non-union worker makes.

We've allowed too much socialism in the last two generations and the population is getting dumber. The number of people that believe in "FREE" medicare, government money etc. Lotteries are the only hope for many to be able to survive retirement.

60% of the population can't pay off their credit cards. They elect people that promote self balancing budgets.

The politicians and economists are afraid to tell the truth. We're screwed.
WOW! I didn't even end up scrolling to the end.

I get capitalism, and like seeing my investments rise but for one guy to amass this wealth AND be a strike breaker while he treats his staff like shite is simply plain wrong.
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Communism isn't the answer as it stagnates growth.
How do you know that? We have never SEEN communism in action so I don't see how you are making that pronouncement. (Russia and China are NOT communist. Never have been, never will be. Their political systems are just as screwed as our is, for the same reasons)
By the same token: we have never seen true capitalist system. (Most BIG business could not survive without government subsidies and regulation to advance. Just a couple of minutes looking at the auto trade and the oil industry will show you that).
... soooooo: communism doesn't work, capitalism doesn't work... Why do we keep trying

If Mr. Trump's inauguration hasn't drilled it into you yet: WE DO NOT CONTROL OUR GOVERNMENT. Our government is controlled by the monied elite and the government acts for the benefit of that monied elite, not the common man. It is as obvious as the nose on your face.
Our government works GREAT for you IF you have money... if you don't: you work till you die (but don't expect any thanks for your efforts making the monied elite more monied).

On the other side of the coin: The moment they make water a "right" some nimrod is gonna plant themselves in the middle of the Gobi desert and start insisting we provide them with water... CUZ IT"S THEIR RIGHT

Humanity is a wonderful thing... too bad PEOPLE screw it up
A question for all you that HATE communism: Why?
Serious question, I'd really like to know.
If implemented as designed, I don't hate it but don't love it. Sadly, not everyone is equal. The few get grossly disproportionate benefits. There's a problem at the bottom side too. If someone refuses to contribute, there needs to be a way to effectively deal with that problem. In the middle, why work harder when there is no personal reward? Sadly, it becomes a union with race to the bottom mentality. Everybody tries to do the least possible as that's easier. Lots of bodies, little productivity, not a recipe for thriving.
I was in Cuba during the Castro program and the former Soviet Union . Maybe I’ve never experienced true communism, but I didn’t care for socialism/ communism as it existed . I like a capitalist system , it works for me . Because I work for me .

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
A question for all you that HATE communism: Why?
Serious question, I'd really like to know.
The problem is not everyone is equal try sending a team or random people to the Olympics and see how you do. It has a huge incentive to do the least you can

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Cuba is a special case. Cuba CANNOT thrive because of the US embargoes. The US didn't embargo the USSR, the source of the "communism", but it DID embargo Cuba. Do yourself a favor and figure out WHY. I think it will enlighten you as why the world is in the pickle it is.

If you want to know: YOU hate "communism" because of the propaganda you've been fed. Communism has NEVER existed, but we've spent 10-20% of our economies to make sure it can't.
Do you think the government is protecting YOU from communism? YOU have nothing to lose, the capitalist elite have EVERYTHING to lose.
Just imagine the world we could have if we had the capital the elite have stolen from our economies.

Read a book, not Reddit, Insta or X (formerly known as twitter)
Engels, Marx or even Trotsky wouldn't recognize what we have going here

Sadly, not everyone is equal.
And yet, almost every country's constitution or bill of rights says all people are created equal....
The problem is not everyone is equal try sending a team or random people to the Olympics and see how you do. It has a huge incentive to do the least you can
So let's have a government that only supports people that can run a 4 minute mile.
If you have a gimp leg: you're on your own and you die.

That's sorta what we got now, and the majority of people don't like it... as the majority of folks can't run a 4 minute mile.
Can you?
And the incentive to do the least possible: that is a human trait (and a HUGE driver of capitalism) ... DEAL WITH IT.
When Margaret Mead was asked about indications of "civilization" she told us of a 150,000 year old skeleton found that had a healed femur. A broken femur 150,000 years ago was a death sentence, you couldn't hunt or scavenge food, retrieve water... basically you curled up and died.
But a HEALED femur meant that the tribe fed and watered the guy till he could walk again.

No, we're not all equal. Do you see Elon Musk or Donald Trump carting water for a guy with a broken leg?
We are NOT all equal, but what we want is equal RIGHTS.
How do you know that? We have never SEEN communism in action so I don't see how you are making that pronouncement. (Russia and China are NOT communist. Never have been, never will be. Their political systems are just as screwed as our is, for the same reasons)
By the same token: we have never seen true capitalist system. (Most BIG business could not survive without government subsidies and regulation to advance. Just a couple of minutes looking at the auto trade and the oil industry will show you that).
... soooooo: communism doesn't work, capitalism doesn't work... Why do we keep trying

If Mr. Trump's inauguration hasn't drilled it into you yet: WE DO NOT CONTROL OUR GOVERNMENT. Our government is controlled by the monied elite and the government acts for the benefit of that monied elite, not the common man. It is as obvious as the nose on your face.
Our government works GREAT for you IF you have money... if you don't: you work till you die (but don't expect any thanks for your efforts making the monied elite more monied).

On the other side of the coin: The moment they make water a "right" some nimrod is gonna plant themselves in the middle of the Gobi desert and start insisting we provide them with water... CUZ IT"S THEIR RIGHT

Humanity is a wonderful thing... too bad PEOPLE screw it up

The closest thing I can think of as communism is a religious order, particularly the Hutterites. The farms they run are communal and the people living there have virtually no assets. They get accommodation and food for their labours. They are free to leave anytime with just the shirt on their back after years of toil.

The wealth from the farms goes back into the farms, being spent on the latest equipment or more land.

Everyone eats the same food in the same mess hall.

Needless to say a large wealthy organization needs leaders with the power to make decisions. Power corrupts and they aren't immune.

Inbreeding is a problem as few outsiders want to work for no gain.

Fifty + years ago there were hippy communes that sounded idealistic but they didn't last. I spoke to a former member of one and the problem for him was he was a completionist. Someone would say "It would be cool if we had a fire pit." and he would take on the task of gathering rocks and putting one together. No one helped but after it was finished they sat around to enjoy the cool surroundings. He left and was working as a sales rep when we spoke.

I can't think of any other animal that delegates responsibility like a human. Edison, Gates, Jobs, Bezos, Trump etc do not directly control every employee. There is a chain of thousands of managers controlling the ranks and files in descending order. I don't know how many people one boss can handle. It was a five to one ratio in the window trades. Five workers and one lead hand. Five lead hands and one foreman. Five foremen and one supervisor. Five supervisors and one project manager.

If Jeff Bezos couldn't delegate he'd be running a stall at the local flea market.

The stock market runs the country. Austerity hurts the market as people cut back on spending. A market crash hurts pension funds. The loss in equity hurts borrowing.

The stereotype millennial expects an investor lifestyle without having any investments.

Biblically speaking man was meant to live bythe sweat of his brow. Tell that to those living off their stock dividends or living in a dream world.

In a basic agricultural society even the challenged can contribute. A person with Down's syndrome can muck out stalls and rake hay. I've seen it in Ohio. (Nice riding BTW, Holmes County)

What do you do with those that will not work?

What do you do with those who will not obey laws?

How do you motivate someone who doesn't give a damn?
When Margaret Mead was asked about indications of "civilization" she told us of a 150,000 year old skeleton found that had a healed femur. A broken femur 150,000 years ago was a death sentence, you couldn't hunt or scavenge food, retrieve water... basically you curled up and died.
But a HEALED femur meant that the tribe fed and watered the guy till he could walk again.

No, we're not all equal. Do you see Elon Musk or Donald Trump carting water for a guy with a broken leg?
We are NOT all equal, but what we want is equal RIGHTS.
We are equal until we reach our limits but limits have become harder to define. The best warrior out there could be sitting in a wheelchair controlling a drone thousands of miles away.

Enforced equality can be counter productive. Why hire a boy when the same money gets you a man?

Equality is getting three swings at the ball or the chance to gain ten yards. Fail and someone else gets the ball.
US didn’t embargo the soviets ? Jimmy Carter 1980 , grain embargo. Stood for a while .
I’ve been an importer from Russia and Latvia for almost three decades . I have some Russia travel time under my belt .
The idea that Cuba could not thrive without American assistance is a puzzle , Venezuela was a friend to them , till they went broke , China and USSR presence was large till they collapsed the communism. France and Germany tried to invest in Cuba , but Fidel was very protective of the property he had stolen from the US . The idea that the US could economically cripple another country is real , but mostly if that other country is also closed for business from other foreign investment, because the one for all govt says so .

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Just watch this yourself and discuss

The rice analogy it is interesting and a great visual to help understand this astronomical wealth. But he didn't do this alone, how many other people also benefited from him creating this economy that wasn't there before? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't a top heavy problem that is insanely disproportionate.
The rice analogy it is interesting and a great visual to help understand this astronomical wealth. But he didn't do this alone, how many other people also benefited from him creating this economy that wasn't there before? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't a top heavy problem that is insanely disproportionate.
Did they create an economy that wasn't there before or did they capture market share from old money billionaires that had more of their wealth distributed and in the shadows? Do people buy more vehicles because of tesla or more junk because of Amazon? I suspect neither created an increase in volume made and purchased they just won sales away from legacy companies.

For bezos, he has about 10% so he had 58 lbs of rice and other investors made 522 lbs of rice.
The rice analogy it is interesting and a great visual to help understand this astronomical wealth. But he didn't do this alone, how many other people also benefited from him creating this economy that wasn't there before? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't a top heavy problem that is insanely disproportionate.
If you've ever seen a competitive tug-of-war match, if one team loses footing, the other team drags it all over the field.

The top few percent is dragging the lower masses all over the financial field and there doesn't seem to be a cure.
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