I am definitely an idiot...and now I need insurance

You will be able to find insurance no problem. The supersport / big CC woes don’t really translate to the cruiser market, it’s a whole different (much better!) ball of wax. And your age helps too.

Honestly, with the M2 rider course under your belt, If you’re just looking for liability only (and willing to accept that risk) you can probably insure either bike for under $750/year. Maybe $1000-$1200/ year (but probably less) with full coverage.

And yes, call Dalton Timmis. Make sure you tell them you’ll have your M2/rider course in hand BEFORE you’ll be insuring the bikes so they quote you accordingly.

I came back to riding after a 20+ year absence and was basically (for all intents and purposes) considered a brand new rider again in the eyes of insurance companies and I got my VTX1300 insured for $55/month through Dalton.
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Thanks Joe & Private Pilot. I'll start calling April 9th after the course is complete.

You can call anytime and just explain you don’t want to actually put the policy in place until after you’re done the course - they will quote you as if you have completed them that way. Brokers that underwrite motorcycles are familiar with the course situation.

At least this way you can get a bunch of the legwork done so far is hunting for the best rate beforehand – as soon as you are actually finish the course you will be itching to actually ride at that point, so being stuck playing phone tag with a bunch of different companies is the last thing you’ll want to do.
This is hurting my brain. $25-30k needlessly spent on a couple bikes, but maybe $3k in insurance for the first year is going to be the dealbreaker? You already took a bigger hit than that in depreciation alone.

Come on now. Sign the paperwork and let the good times roll.
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sounds like more money needs thrown at this problem

need at least one more bike :)
Ahhh.... the solutions to all life's problems - mo' money for one more bike.
This is hurting my brain. $25-30k needlessly spent on a couple bikes, but maybe $3k in insurance for the first year is going to be the dealbreaker? You already took a bigger hit than that in depreciation alone.

Come on now. Sign the paperwork and let the good times roll.

Part of me is Scottish and I just hate to spend 10% of the total cost of the bikes on 1 year of insurance. Call me pennywise and pound foolish. But I'm pretty sure I'll get things sorted out to put the Octane on the road.

Also some day I'm sure my son will hit me up in earnest for the Octane. He's already hinting at it. Just need to wait until he's older before he gets it and for the time being he will definitely stay sub-600cc.

P.S. I'm sure the board lets you multi-quote but I don't see where it does. Sorry.
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Sounds to me like you owe yourself a public apology for calling yourself an idiot in the thread title. :D
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