I’m back sort of lol

Beautiful bike, glad you're enjoying it.
Just my humble advice, worth what it is on the internet:
- Get a jacket as soon as you can, so you get used to wearing one.
- Lose the phone mount, so you can 100% concentrate on the riding.
Don’t worry I got a jacket lol that was just for the photos and a slow trip around the neighborhood. I got 2 riding jackets, riding pants, riding shoes (will get boots once I get some more cash)
Don’t worry I got a jacket lol that was just for the photos and a slow trip around the neighborhood. I got 2 riding jackets, riding pants, riding shoes (will get boots once I get some more cash)
as for the phone mount just need it for my gps but I’ve found recently it’s easier to just keep my phone in my pocket with audio call-outs on the gps. I just have it in case my comm system dies on me
Squid power FTW. You have FF helmet and nice gloves though, do you wear moto specific boots or proper flip flops? :)

Enjoy your ride and wear whatever you like.
Is barefoot an option Jk jk trust me I am no squid lmaoooo I got 2 jackets pants, riding shoes (will get boots when I get the cash) this was more for a photoshoot and going for a quick ride around with my friend at low speeds
Wait for it...

Anti-boomer hate rant incoming in three... two... one...
* insert long paragraph about others having the audacity to care about my safety. How dare they be good people and care about others * the autism in me feels like I gotta add a sarcasm tag to this
Is barefoot an option Jk jk trust me I am no squid lmaoooo I got 2 jackets pants, riding shoes (will get boots when I get the cash) this was more for a photoshoot and going for a quick ride around with my friend at low speeds
very rarely leave the house for a ride without gear unless it’s a short distance at slower speeds which I know can still cause damage but I’ve gotten road rash in the past going 30-50km/h it sucked but wasn’t end of the world. If I’m going to work or on the highway I pretty much always wear my full gear unless I’m a dumbass and somehow forget (Has happened once but it’s cuz I was off my meds Lmaoo)

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